
Is America a better place now than from your childhood?

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Is America a better place now than from your childhood?




  1. no. but i often wonder if the bliss and ignorance of childhood also contributed to remembering my experiences as being better than today's.

  2. No!

    I remember getting in the car, no seatbelt and harness, no DVD TV in my face in the minivan, playing in the park with my friends till all hours of the night, no f'n cell phns were going off every 2 minutes and 12 years olds were not text messaging till their fingers bleed, not as much racism was present, my 15 andf 16 year old friends were not getting boob jobs, (don't think that concept was created yet),  I ate a Snickers bar and diet coke for lunch and french fries for an afternoon snack, priests (that we knew of) were not raping and molesting little boys, I could pick my neighbors lemons and oranges of their trees and not get sued for it, my parents were not going through my toys in my toy box looking for MADE IN CHINA labels, the only prescription drugs I ever heard of then that my friends parents would give them was antibiotics, EDD was not even a concept it was called hyper and creative minds, my pop teen idols probably still had an IQ of 50 but were not getting arrested and jumping out of cars w/no undies on, I could go on and on!!!

  3. h**l no. things were so good back then, i cant even begin to tackle todays kids concerns, the list is too d**n long.

  4. In some ways, it's better now and it's also worse. When I was in school, teachers could publicly humiliate their students and they did show a great deal of favoritism. If a child was bullied, tough luck. Being bullied was viewed as a way to build character and if the child didn't learn to stand up for himself or herself, then that child deserved to be bullied. Child abuse wasn't taken as seriously as it is today. If a child got beaten up, he or she would be bandaged up and sent back home.

    In the areas where I think things were better back then, the cost-of-living was lower. I could buy candy bars for as little as a nickel. Even though there were fewer choices on TV, I think programming in general was better. The dramas were better written and the sitcoms weren't as prone to go for the cheap laughs. In those days, I used to actually listen to the radio a great deal. None of the stations played "Oldies" or "Classic Rock" but only the current music. Most stations had real DJs and they didn't play the same songs over and over again.

    I'm not one of those who likes to go for false nostalgia. I'm not going to say that people were more respectful then because they often weren't. I can remember when holidays were changed to make three-day weekends and how many people were overjoyed to get a longer weekend instead of a single day off in the middle of the week. That gave them longer vacations and more time to plan activities.

    Now, we might see items MADE IN CHINA but when I was a child, we often saw MADE IN JAPAN or MADE IN HONG KONG instead.

  5. h**l no! I will agree to color T.V. and ATM cards but I wish we could teletransport back 40 yrs. When children actually had respect for thier peers. And you could spank your kids in public. And we still had prayer in schools and Celebrated Christmas. And teachers were still in control of the classroom and not the nably pambly parents that Know whats best for thier children. And where people actually celebrated the forth of July, because America meant something and not just as a 3 day week-end to party.

  6. That's a trick question. Considering I was a child and had no responsibilities, was sheltered from the bad news by my parents, and really could of cared less what was going on in the world I could easily say my chilhood.

    But then I look back and saw my mom washing dishes preparing meals from scratch, my dad working hard to support us, etc, etc. and realize that the world is a much easier place to live in now, than it was back then.

  7. .No! Morals are terrible and Greed runs rampant

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