
Is America a dynamic, free, progressive society?

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What is your initial notion about American it stagnant, conformist, and too corporate? or is it capitalist, dynamic, progressive, forward-thinking? A little of both?




  1. yes to some extent and not absolutely

  2. I think it is more on the capitalist, dynamic, progressive, forward-thinking side.

    Those who believe it is stagnant may indeed be stagnant but those who wish to be adventurous can go for it.

  3. America used to be more dynamic, free and progressive. We have now entered a period that is stagnat, less free, and regressive. The American people have continued to let corporate lobbyists and special interests buy the government. They did this by not allowing government financed campaigns (taxpayer financed). I was one of the people against it but now I see the huge errors with that. No one likes paying taxes but it's a requirement if we want safe roads and bridges, good education, security, etc.

    The government cannot and should not do everything but the priorities need to change. It is to everyone's benefit if we believe in America. I think the right has done more to damage this country with their short-term and greedy ways. It should not always be about profits. There are other considerations that are important. We need more good sense in government. To do that we need to get big business and special interests out.

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