
Is America a great country?

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In the developed world America has the highest level of household debt; the lowest level of household savings; the greatest inequality of income and wealth; the highest number of households earning two salaries; the lowest rate of trade union representation; the smallest % in it’s middle class; the highest % of people living in poverty, and of children living in poverty, and of deaths through malnutrition; the highest CEO incomes; the highest doctor’s incomes; the highest healthcare expenditure (% of GDP) but the lowest number of people covered by healthcare; the highest infant mortality rate and toddler death rate and teenager death rate; the highest premature death rate; the highest % of teen pregnancies and abortions; the highest % of people in prison; the highest murder rate; the highest rape rate; the highest reported rate of police brutality; and it still spends the highest % of it's GDP on the military.





  1. do we need "for"?

  2. not necessarily.

    only people of USA would feel that way

    just the way an aussie would feel australia is the greatest country

    or chinese would feel china is, or an Indian would feel india is

    and so on....

    every country will have positive and negative things about it.

  3. Can you post your source of information?

  4. You forgot to mention that it's the country that sent billions of dollars worth of food all over the world after world War two . It's the country that millions risk their lives trying to get to . It's the country that everybody looks to when they're in trouble . You hear people saking , " What is America going to do about Zimbabway ?"  What is America going to do about the trouble in Africa "? What is America going to do to solve everybody's problems .

    We spend the money , we do the fighting , we send the food and money . What do the others do ?  Right , sit back and bash us in every way that they can think of . What ? you don't have anything to bash us about ? Come on , use your imagination , you'll invent something .

  5. No, America is not a great country, it's THE GREATEST country in the world.  

    America has the most freedoms and the greatest opportunities for everyone.  

    If you don't like it, go live in any other country in the world and you'll see pretty d**n quickly.

  6. There are undoubtedly a lot of of domestic troubles for America to deal with in the 21st century.  However, what I would wonder about in answer to your question, is why when you ask a person living in rural Africa where they would go an live if they could they answer America.  Why it's the same in many places all over the world?  I would say it's partly because of the romanticism evolved over all the success stories that come out of this place.  Obviously they've never been here and don't understand how expensive and hard it is to survive if the only job you can get is at wal-mart.  That you need a high school education to go to college.  So, I don't know what you'd call America in that heap of perception and fact.  I do know to portray it with only positive facts or only negative would be a misconception.

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