
Is America attached to Canada?

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Is America attached to Canada?




  1. No sh_it sherlock!

  2. umm duhhh yea course it is

  3. Are you related to snow lover of "Is the Island of Newfoundland considered to be in the country of Canada?" fame?

    You are, aren't you?

  4. Yes.  American borders on the magnificent -- Canada.

  5. yes, canada is above USA

    quite apt really

  6. Yes... Canada is "above" America.

    And yeah, look at a map.

  7. R U HAVIN A LAFF........

  8. yh its a really big chunk but there to different countrys

  9. Yes.

  10. Geographically it shares the same land mass. Culturally there is a relationship, but a fairly distant one - Canada shares more with Europe than the USA.

  11. Now that they've got those really big pieces of Velcro, yes.  

  12. OMFG!!! YES its america is underneath  canada

  13. Stupid question.

    Look at a map.

  14. yes. "america" is physically sandwiched between canada (north) and Mexico (south)

  15. Physically yes. Emotionally no

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