
Is America in trouble if the Dems take over the White House and Congress?

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IF a reccession occurs if Obama wins will the media (open supporters of Obama and the Dems) still blame Bush for everything?

What can the Dems do anything to help Americans rather than hurt the very people they claim to support?

In other words what will they do that President Bush did not do with the help of the Rep. controlled congress?




  1. if china starts a war you are doomed

  2. The Democrats will have the media on their side and the same alarmist claims from the press that our economy is self-destructing will suddenly reverse to glowing optimistic coverage from the press.

    The same thing happened during the Bush Sr. vs Clinton election and once Clinton got elected, suddenly the media was reporting that everything was great again.

  3. Republicans still blame Clinton for everything.

  4. Yes, just like how America was in trouble when Republicans controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress.  We need gridlock to keep partisanship from leading to bad laws.  The current state of the economy is a result of the things the Republicans did and didn't do during Bush's first 6 years in office.

    Edit: Namely the tax cuts and out-of-control deficit spending by the federal government.  It is the formula for a short-term economic boom with no legs for long-term stability.  They burnt the candle from both ends, and now we are running out of wick.  The helped perpetuate an economic climate that allowed for white collar executives to rake in record profits while blue collar workers were laid off.

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