
Is America losing its place as the strongest power?

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Is America losing its place as the strongest power?




  1. About 8 years ago...where have you been?

  2. It used to be that America simply showing up or putting its two cents into things was a sign of legitimate hope or balance...but its dimming on that level...we seem reckless and tainted now.  and its largely due to needing to fix ourselves.

  3. NO but we are in a malais (slump) and a slight recession that will last another two years..good luck in keeping your house and yard.

  4. I hope so

  5. I think it is headed towards that, yes.

  6. Not as long as we possess the amount of stealth bombers and the arsenal of smart bombs and our atomic warehouse of weapons. We just have to have someone in the white house with the "gonads" to use them if needed. Also the need for other countries to understand we will use them when needed.

  7. America has become weakened through the neverending committment to s******g things up by the Bush/Cheney administration.

    That's why when Russia invaded Georgia, and Bush asked them to please stop it, Russia responded by telling him to go f**k himself.

    So much for 'Seeing into Putin's soul' eh Dubya??

    This whole Iraq fiasco has cost America dearly.

  8. Yes... this is a interesting time in history.  While we are slowly losing our power the rest of the world is getting more powerful.  Yes, China could be the next world super power but historically there has not been as many nations rising at once... when there is world balance change it favors only one nation exclusively.  It doesn't look like this now... almost the entire Third World has gotten stronger.

  9. With Bush as president America have lost world's respect and credibility - that's for sure. If McCain is a president - that will get even worse.

  10. Yes we are but it is not because because of Bush/ Cheney as some of the the retarded people have answered. It is because we continually have a leftist democratic party working for that. They think that America should not be any better in any way than any other country.To the moran that said that Russia told us to go F#$K ourselves, you need to get a clue. Go back to when Russia invaded Afghanistan, poland theCzech republic. No military action was taken then against them and they pretty much said the same thing to us. As far as other countries hating us, where the h**l have you been for the last 100 years. They have always hated and been jealous of us. My god, wake up or pull you head out of your A!

  11. yes but its natural  

  12. No, we have never held the worlds respect trully. Putin like all russians will push as hard as he can, he views bush as weak. Much like kruschuv  viewed kennedy as weak. But when you put reagen in office the russians backed off.  

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