
Is America made out as it is in the movies?

by Guest21484  |  earlier

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With all the hot girls and the huge 12 bedroom houses ?

just wonderin'




  1. Well America does have one of the lowest poverty rates and the poverty we have is less severe than in most countries but the general populace isn't that rich.

    As for the girls, many of them feel pressured to have a "perfect body," so there are quite a few hot girls but most of the ones that believe they failed will give up entirely and not look so good. Many other countries have cuter girls for everyone since societies are more content with their own looks.

    That's what I've noticed anyway. Haven't gone out of the U.S. all that much.

  2. Whoever said to watch the reruns of "Roseanne" hit the nail on the head!!  Both parents working ( if you're one of the few households that happen to HAVE both parents in it), a couple of kids crammed into one or two bedrooms ( if you're lucky enough to be the oldest, you might get your own room) leftovers for dinner some nites, and mom scrambling to find you lunch $ in the morning!

    Granted, it's not quite that way for some people... don't quote me on the statistic, but something like 10% of the people in the U.S. control 70% of the $$.  THAT i believe.

    Most americans are middle class, working, and while some are admittedly good looking, most of the girls are NOT all that hot!  ( You must be watching something based in Los Angeles)

  3. U.S.A. if what meant is not even like this if you do not already know. As someone once wrote the movies are not there just to entertain you the movies also serve as propaganda to control you. A person might notice other things as well other than houses. Things like how The Special Forces,Green Berets,Navy Seals, and such were not mentioned in movies at one point and then after mentions increased. People became familiar with the name as well as with The Marines,S.W.A.T.,F.B.I., A.T.F., D.E.A. and such when they had not been before. As much as entertainment the idea might have been to lend appeal to such organisations. Fix certain ideas in public minds.

  4. Watch some reruns of Roseanne.  It's not realistic either but it's a lot more realistic than all the hot girls in 12 bedroom houses. ☺

  5. Ha yea right!

    Doesn't come close to that.

    At the most, you'll get a 5 bedroom house.  Most people in America have 3 or 4 bedroom houses.

    Hot girls?  Some are, a lot aren't.  Maybe cute but not hott.

  6. heck no! thats all just a dream, and thats why you will only see that in the movies.

  7. oh no no no! Yes there are some beautiful people, and some people with huge houses.... but the majority of people live in normal sized houses and are not abnormally beautiful. Where do you live if you don't mind my asking?

  8. You've had a lot of reports on you, huh?

    Most people here in the US don't own a 12 bed home, or even a 3 bed home.  

    Movies are entertainment - let's keep reality real.


  9. No.  John Wayne didn't win the Alamo, didn't win at Iwogima, (escuse spelling) didn't win the west, or win anything else.  Hollywood paints America as a wonderful place.  Same is true of German made movies, and Italian movies, and so on.

    To the rest of the world, America STINKS.  Must admit, I don't care much for the smell myself.


  10. uh no.

    I think "The Simpsons" probably comes the closest to understanding America.

  11. No. Movies are not real. That are fantasies, so it is just the movie maker's fantasy that is being shown in most movies.

  12. Yes, except we only put the ugly people in the movies.  The rest of us are very beautiful

  13. No.  Hollywood is never a good source for factual data.  Foreign films are even worse.

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