
Is America no longer a country of Laws but instead you just mind your own business

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Is America no longer a country of Laws but instead you just mind your own business




  1. No. We are a country of Laws.

  2. America is a country of laws but certain ppl dont follow them& im talkin bout everyone. I only answer ?s like this with mind ur bizness if i feel that the person is being racist & clearly ur ? isnt racist

  3. We're only supposed to mind our own business when it comes to illegals breaking the law. You know,after all,they are only here to do the jobs that Americans won't do and provide for their starving family.  We should just ignore the fact that they are working here illegally,probably with my SS number.

    I wasn't aware that we could chose which laws to follow and which ones to ignore just because we don't like them.

  4. most people think u should mind your own business when it comes to reporting undocumented immigrants , u definitely have a point there . about the laws i am sure every American wants them enforced , its just than most people just will not stand for laws which they consider unnecessary or which are not in the best interest of America such as deporting undocumented immigrants . just check out the official website of Texas so u can see how deporting the undocumented would affect greatly every state in which many of them live . California would also be greatly affected too since a great part of its LABOR force is the undocumented . if u need additional info search taxes plus any state u want and undocumented immigrants , u will always get a positive impact from them .

    Do NOT forget to mind ur own business .

  5. It certainly seems like we are no longer a country of laws.

  6. NO.

    We are a nation of laws. We can't pick and choose which laws to obey. chaos would happen if mind our own business and do as we please!!!

  7. America is a country that will soon be part of the North American Union. That is why the government won't enforce our borders and won't send the illegals back. We are soon to become Mexiameranda. Mexico=America=Canada

  8. LOL, I know the answers your referring too and you have to remember, those people that said "mind your own business" were just typical pro-illegals trying to protect their "criminal illegal" families or Friends, they could care less about our laws or the nation as long as illegals get to stay.

    The people that don't mind their own business when it comes to crime, including illegal invasion, are what makes America great.

    We don't' get to pick and choose what laws to follow.  That's not the way it works.

  9. Minding your own business is good, but having our tax dollars go towards Law Enforcement is better.

    We do have Police, Border Agents, FBI and the list goes on.

    That's why they have 911 and that little ICE hot line.

  10. No. More and more we're a country of snitches.

  11. "every law which does not help society or its pointless has to be changed ."

    Isn't' that the truth, that's why we have laws against illegal immigration, because it's bad for our people.

    Laws don't get changed just becasue a few people who support unconctolled immigraion want them changed.

    I rest my case.

  12. We should be a Country of Laws but many people feel like they dont have too. Its amazing to me how many people say that we should leave illegal immigrants alone and yet if an american citizen should commite a crime we get punished right away. I am an IMMIGRANT not an illegal, but my mother legally moved here when i was 3 and has since become a citizen along with my family. SO IT IS DOable. these people just dont want to do it its easier to just come here and break the law and try to get away with it for as long as they can. It just pisses me off because they are getting everything that people who work their *** off done have. I MEAN they drive new cars, open businesses, live these lavish life styles and its all in someone elses name or some made up name or the best one i've heard lately is THEY STEAL THEIR OWN CHILDRENS SOCIAL!!!! can you believe that!!!! that is just disgusting. SO i'm sure i will have alot of people calling me racist and i'm not i have nothing against immigrants (duh i am one) i just believe that if you cant get in legally you dont belong here. if the American consolite turns you down when you go to sign up for a visa that doesnt mean COME ILLEGALLY! I hope they crack down on illegal immigrants.  

  13. America has, for the most part, ceased to be a sovereign, self-governing society under the rule of law and guided by the will of the people.

    I don't just blame the politicians. I blame Americans who are simply too ignorant to recognize what is happening around them or too unwilling to stand up and take action.

  14. Yeh, i wish everybody would mind their own business. I am not that baby's daddy, damnit!

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