
Is America now ready to become independent?

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Nominating Barack Obama as democrat candidate shows splendid political maturity and I wonder if, assuming he gets to be president, this might signal that country's readiness to become independent from Britain?




  1. Yes, finally we will be free of the tyranny of Queen Elizabeth and Gordon Brown - long live the revolution!

  2. Don't you have that a bit backward, dude? It's been Britain riding on America's back for the past 100 years. And odd that you would use Obama as a sign of America's maturity comparing it to Britain when Britain doesn't have a single minority of power or influence in or out of its government. It's Britain (and euroland) that's decades behind the US, comrade!

  3. I think your alarm clock must have broken back in 1776. youve overslept mate... its now 2008.

  4. Britain is dependent on the US, britians economic interests are heavily invested here. This is the legacy of oppurtunistic capital moving from the falling power to the rising one.

    The UK is tied to the coat tails of a giant with an economy which is several times larger than it and has much more global influence. America's military is much larger as well.  Obama may succed with a softening of american foriegn policy, this will probably followed by a similar happening in the UK.

    Also the scottish parliament is a devolved one, it is not an independant parliament. Crucial decisions  which affect scottish people still remain with westminister and until these decisions and powers are devolved also scotland should still have people that can outline its interests in relation to these issues.

  5. The rants and raves of left wing lunatics. It never gets old.

  6. It is a step in the right direction.

  7. good lord! that sounds treasonous!!

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