
Is America on the verge of allowing g*y marriage, and does that scare you?

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Is America the land of the free, who has been blessed about to slap God in the face by allowing g**s to marry. Or is it a good thing if g*y are allowed to marry, adopt etc? Give us your thoughts please. What do you think will happen to America?




  1. Nothing will happen -- it will continue to be America.  g**s are just pursuing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness just like the rest of us.  It doesn't bother me and in no way does it affect me.

  2. Nothing will happen. Most poeple won't even meet a g*y person in their lifetime, so it probably won't affect them in anyway. It probably will happen and is not scary at all. If it doesn't affect one in any way, he shouldn't be intruding on others' business. That is how America got screwed in the first place. They need to stop worrying themselves with things that will never affect their lives but they concern themselves with anyway to feel better about themselves.

  3. God is pretty confused by why some people are having a problem with one adult wanting a blessing for  a committed relationship with another adult. He want's you to read his books again and get the BIG picture.

  4. g*y people already have normal lives here in America and there is nothing wrong with equality, which is what this is about.

  5. Nah. If being g*y were something you could catch it would not be such a bad thing. You know that poster which says that well this is what I think. Another observation is that such proclivities give the rest of us more elbow room population wise.  Be  g*y Save The Planet.

    Homosexual or other is even better long live The Lesbians.

  6. I think it would be good for everybody coz g*y couples would be encouraged, more people would become g*y and straight men like me would get more women!lol.Just kidding. But I definately think that such a move might take care of the population problem facing the world! haha.  


  8. Let the g**s get married and all the pro choice people abort at will. In a few generations: no more democrats!

  9. I'm sure that America is on the verge of allowing g*y marriage, and it doesn't scare me, but it does disturb me.  Marriage is for the union of a man and a woman.  Not two women and not two men.  People can live their lives the way they want to, but to expect me to condone g*y marriage will never happen.  I'm not anti g*y people, I'm just anti g*y, if that makes any sense.  

    "Man shall not lie down with man"

    I am not going to condone behavior that is considered a sin to God.  But I am not going to hate anyone for sinning, for we all have sinned.  

    Love the sinner, hate the sin

  10. America as a whole is certainly not. The more liberal states, such as those on the coasts, are in the process; we're all familiar with California and Massachusetts, and many others have civil unions or recognize foreign marriages. But the nation's conservative heartland won't hear of it and maybe won't for another half-century.

    However, I personally side with the liberals, though I am in the heartland. Let us be an egalitarian society and extend the branch of peace to a subculture that has long been shouted down.

    Aside from that, the United States has a long history of recognizing marriages concluded in Canada -- but now all of Canada has same-s*x marriage. What a dilemma for us.

  11. I'm a Libertarian and am socially liberal. Marriage is a human right, and if g**s are considered to be humans, they should have the right to be married. g*y people are obligated to obey laws, pay taxes & functionally/productively live within society, like all people. Yet there is discrimination against them, ranging from not allowing them to be married to now letting them donate blood in fear that it is "contaminated". If they are to be in a special class, then give them special rights & privileges. If they are equal under the law, equal under civil laws and human rights, they deserve the rights (civil or human), of any straight person.

    Religion is separated from state in the US, and one person's God is not another person's God. The religious argument is pointless.

  12. 1) Being g*y is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, liposuction and air conditioning.

    2) g*y marriage will encourage people to be g*y, in the same way that

    hanging around tall people will make you tall.

    3) Legalizing g*y marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy

    behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has

    legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

    4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed

    at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites,

    and divorce is still illegal.

    5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if g*y marriage were

    allowed; the sanctity of Brittany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun

    marriage would be destroyed.

    6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. g*y

    couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to

    marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs

    more children.

    7) Obviously g*y parents will raise g*y children, since straight

    parents only raise straight children.

    8) g*y marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like

    ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country.

    That's why we have only one religion in America.

    9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model

    at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents

    to raise children.

    10) g*y marriage will change the foundation of society; we could

    never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to

    cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans...


    Come on people seriously. I'm not g*y, but isn't it all about true love?

    reread these things, then you can come flame me about "how sick i'm being, allowing this" and show you have no heart.

    We shall prevail, of not tomorrow or the next day, it will happen. So get off your stocky high horse and deal.  

  13. If you look in history you will see that those countries that allowed this type of lifestyle did not last.  The two of the greatest were Rome and Greece.

    Also the human is the only kind that does this.

    Ape, chimps, dogs,cats, and every thing else does not do this.

    There are animals that show the male dominance by, for a lack of a better term, humping their subordinate member of their troop.

    Does it bother me to the extent of what I put above yes.

  14. i think yes on that ?.if obama wins he will allow f**s an lesibians to marry ..not counting all the other b.s. problems he will cause,

  15. i respect .. homosexuals its nothing wrong with expressing ur sexuality . though ppl will stare and ppl if ur readin this admit u will stare too . but as time goes by i belive that there will be more homosexuals and it`ll be ok its just like a phase just liek the womans right movement .. is what i think in my oppionion =p

  16. My God is more tolerant of two men, or two women, who love each other, than he is of those who presume to judge in His name.

    My God takes no interest in the affairs of human nations.

  17. they are citizens and pay taxes and should have the same human rights as heterosexuals have.

  18. America is the "land of the free"! And by allowing the g**s to be legally married, is TRUELY "a slap in the face to the LORD GOD up above! HE is against homosexuality and speaks against this negative, sinful, act in the BIBLE. In the beginning of the Book of Genesis when the Lord speaks of creativity, He CREATED MAN & WOMAN (ADAM

    & EVE), He DIDN'T creat MAN &MAN ( ADAM & STEVE )!!! He DIDN'T

    creat WOMAN & WOMAN ( EVE & MADAM )!!! And we as AMERICANS need to TEACH our children that being a homosexual--

    g*y or L*****n--g*y is just WRONG,WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!

    There is just no kind of RESPECT whatsoever to the Good Lord up

    above for the kind of actions that we the people here on earth act out!!

    It's no wonder that HE hasn't destroyed this here earth a long time ago.

    We as Americans need to WAKE UP & do what is right & pleasing in

    GOD'S eyes, NOT man's eyes!!! This should also be a slap in our face

    just as it is in GOD'S face!!! Nuff said for now!!!

  19. yes and it wills till be the great america it is. just with some people happy that they have marriage rights

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