
Is America ready for a V.P. who fought to get creationism taught in public schools?

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  1. I agree it is crazy... but it was a brilliant choice. His only two supposed options were Romney or Huckabee. By choosing Palin, he gets the womens' votes and the evangelical vote (which is an estimated 25% of the country alone.)

  2. They sure are.... All the way  McCain and Palin !!!... God bless govenor Palin for standing up for human life and God...  

  3. i love creation in public schools. Means higher prices in private schools!

  4. *shudder* No!! separation of Church and State, remember? Please no teaching of religion in school.

  5. If that is true, you have just lost all credibility with me.  

  6. Who is that? I really am not good with politics.I believe in Creation, though

    Obama 08

  7. i. am. moving. to. canada.

  8. We are ready for a VP who chose the life of her son rather than turn to murder via abortion.

  9. Real fact or Lie?

    Where is your source?

  10. Oh my gods it's creationism! No! Back! Back! Stay out of my school!

  11. And who is that?

    Sarah Palin? Trying to get female votes eh?

  12. **screams in terror**


  13. amen to the man above me amen

  14. Yes, not only ready but long overdue , She is the most qualified for the job in terms of character and righteousness. I wish she was running for President. God bless Sarah Palin .    

  15. I'm glad McSame chose Palin. This should crush his chances of getting elected.

  16. To believe in the Creation is fine, but not in the Creationism.

    Taking the tales of ancient religious books mythology literally is rather silly. They were written for the understanding of people thousands of years ago, and they are full of symbolic stories.

    Most probably the Creation is not an event but a process that goes on forever.

    Evolution is just a tool of the continuous Creation in this ever changing dynamic Universe.

    Stars and galaxies are still forming, evolving, changing, in the universe and so does life.

    Why should some religions fight against Evolution, given that it is a most beautiful concept reflecting a dynamic evolving eternal Creation?

  17. America shouldn't be allowed to have a VP who fought to get creationism into science classrooms.

    It is unconstitutional to combine church and state and people who break the constitution should be banned from running for any political office.

  18. i don't think america was ready for the lie that is evolution. all the non-believers saw a chance to be willingly led astray from the alternative and they took it wether it was valid or not. creationism is a beautiful thing, its the root of all wisdom. and don't judge me, you know me not, i reject evolution for logical reasons on top of others, and im not the only intelligent person in the world who does.

  19. Intelligent Design is not the same thing as Creationism. Christians aren't the only ones who believe in I.D.

  20. Who cares about America? They live in the 19th centurary anyway.

  21. Yes America is ready, why not, they got Islam, devil worshippers & demonic people in schools now since the devil moved in.

  22. Yes, just like in the old days when we did not have mass murders in public schools but we DID have Jesus in schools.

    Coincidence? not a chance !!!!!

    But some fools that seem to love the mass murders, drugs, etc in our schools hate to return to the days when the worst the teacher had to worry about was late homework and chewing gum in class.

    They are the ones giving thumbs down..........fools will be fools.

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