
Is America ready for an administration that believes in science?

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Is America ready for an administration that believes in science?




  1. The smart Americans are.

  2. Yes, the educated Americans are ready for that kind of administration.

  3. Yes sir

  4. It's long over due. We are so far behind other countries in science it's scary. 8 years of religion instead of science has damaged us greatly.

  5. They should be, the only way things have gotten better in this world is through science...  

  6. Let's surely hope so before we lose all chance to turn "climate change" around.

  7. Christian Science?

  8. What... as a religion?... To back up eugenics? And as opposed to what?

  9. I hope so.  We need to put an end to these ridiculous 'carbon taxes'!

  10. The Bush administration did sign off on stem cell research in 2005 according to Time Magazine.  So this may already indicate a will to do so.

    This after much opposition by religious segment of the Republicans and others with concern over ethics of stem cell research.

    There is also Genetic Mod Foods which people are not ready for yet but on others yes. Science though will have to do with war more than other forms.

  11. Many people aren't, but we desperately need one.

  12. What??  You don't believe in science? What kind of question is this??

  13. I would love to have an administration that believes in economics.

  14. No, my ignorant friends and I prefer to keep our heads up our *sses while the planet implodes.

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