
Is America showing the world we're weak by non enforcement of our borders?

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How the h**l can any country take us serious as a force not to be reckoned with when we have the illegals running rampant in our own country? Shouldn't we get our own d**n country fixed before sticking our noses in everywhere else?




  1. This has been attempted but since our borders are so large the best thing to do is enforce the laws we have already

    Also make the employers of the illegals accountable...but this won't happen as most of the US just winks at the cheap labor the illegal immigrants and high quality..also the illegals pay into Social Security under false accounts and never get to claim the money that is held for the Social Security is kept solvent my millions of dollars of this helps?

  2. Ummm, The US has many serious problems.  In the future, in terms of strength - it most likely will never again be what it once was.

  3. Itdoes show a weakness of our govt. , We the people have spoken out aginst the constant insurgance along our borders, but our elected officials have just been impotent to address the issue.

    Deport illegals, and keep the dream alive.

  4. We show the world we are weak by not getting rid of the democrats and republicans aka the republicrats (the party of big government).

    Closed borders do not benefit big government. With open borders, illegal alien crime, and strain on the social services, government can demand more money to increase its size, power, and cost. This is the common goal of both parties, and they will continue to drain our blood as long as they can - untill they are no longer in power.

  5. Yes - and the whole world knows they can invade and get goodies for free!

  6. Yes.  And yes. And if you live up around Washington D.C., you suddenly discover there are a huge number of illegal aliens working D.C. itself, and for government people.  It reeks of corruption.  It reeks of favoritism that the Washington D.C. people are forcing on the rest of the United States.  

    It is wrong!


    And get this part straight: this whole business started under President Clinton, and got worse under President Bush.  It was NOT a Bush idea and creation, and Obama is going to try and do exactly the same thing to us that Clinton and Bush did.  

    I think McCain may not.  If he controls the border, that means he may be actively sending folks home until the border is under control, and we determine the next step.  I believe that if we have enough time, and the people of this country understand the issue... get beyond the bull of calling us afraid of foreigners, or racists, they will agree with this effort to stop the coming amnesty.

    Stopping that amnesty is the most critical thing we can do.  If we don't, it is almost a foregone conclusion we will wind up with the North American State, a huge number of American Citizens without jobs, and a far different country than we know today.  And every single bit of it happened because the Federal Government did not enforce the laws of the land, and tried to sneak this mess over on us.  We need to stop it very badly.


  8. Yes.It sends out the message to the entire  that illegals can here and do whatever they want! Let's fix own country first before we go about fixing  other countries!

  9. Yes we are showing others that we are weak! and as long as the focus is on illegal Mexicans who come here to work, the terrorist are probably planning a way in, and a new plot against us.

    The number one focus of the US Border Patrol should be the original one, not illegal Mexicans. The original mission was terrorist, and weapons of mass destruction.


    Border Patrol needs to focus on their mission

    The chief patrol agent believes the Border Patrol's mission has changed.


    "When you look at the series of events that have happened over the last five, six years... our mission changed," Manjarrez told AP. "Our primary mission changed from our traditional focus. Our primary mission now is terrorists and weapons of mass destruction. That is what we have to be focused on."


    But that can't happen when resources are being deployed primarily against illegal immigrants simply wanting jobs. "We can't focus on that (new mission) as much as we would like because of the other issues we have to deal with," Manjarrez said.

  10. Yes it does send the message that we are not really in charge of our own country and anyone can come in and do as they please.

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