
Is America the land of the freedom?

by Guest56008  |  earlier

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Is America the land of the freedom?




  1. Americans began using the Freedom word during the Cold War.   It became a somewhat mindless slogan, eventually.   It simply meant "We're better than you are.   Nyah!"

       I believe that there is a small basis of reality in describing American society with the use of the word, but I think the level of personal freedom in that country is somewhat smaller than many noisy American patriots would claim it is.

    When the people eager to invade Iraq felt that they were being impeded in their aim by France, they changed the name of French Fries to "Freedom" Fries.  (Retaliation for being temporally thwarted in their desire to kill people...)

    I wonder if they considered the "Freedom" of innocent dead Iraqis?

       The word 'Freedom' had become a mindless slogan by the time it was used as an adjective to deliniate fried potatos, however!

  2. No, that's a Utopia and doesn't exist.  Any land that is bound by rules, regulations and red tape isn't really free even when the same restrictions are for the good of all.  Do you see some people, especially in high places, getting away with actions that you or I would not?  Exactly.  They can. We can't.  That's not true freedom, although it is as close to it as we will be allowed to get.

  3. There are more freedoms here than in -many- countries, but not nearly so many as people seem to think. And quite often, in countries where U.S. Americans would generally perceive as having fewer rights, the people don't really object to their circumstances, having rationalized the reasons for more stringent restrictions in ways that are ultimately satisfactory to them. They may feel they have more freedom than us in some cases.

    Still, countries _I_ would say permit more freedom than the U.S. would be the Netherlands, Sweden and places like that.

  4. freedom cannot be more or less..Little bit freedom you may experience in PRISON. Imagine yourself being lost in a wood you have a lot of you really want it?Freedom is or it is not.period.... any society desperately trying to define meaning freedom out of their own ignorance....Have you notice, America does not defining freedom at all, America stating what it means Freedom and consistenly planting those weeds  into brains which were  previously washed,accurately and lovingly..America is the land  that is all...... any other addition comes from from our wishes which did not come true, as it always happening...WHAT IS FREEDOM ANYWAY???? do we really know that?

  5. If you mean freedom from Rap Music, the answer is No!

  6. HA HA HA

    The only thing that is free in this country is the freedom to leave any time you want.

  7. There are other countries with far more civil liberties than americans have

  8. Define freedom. (believe me,  The usa is  a wonderful place. I have seen the world , and i have seen none better.  And my home, area is the most beautiful place on earth). How far is it to the thre nearest towns around you.  can you  safwly name one person in each city around you, whom, you would spend the time, to visit? Are you aware , one person in each town would be a POSITIVE communication network?

  9. What do you mean by freedom? The freedom to do whatever you want? That's freedom.

  10. There was freedom once.  I am pushing 70, and sadly, I must admit, though my generation defended it on several foreign fields during my lifetime, my generation lost it.  To whom did they lose it?  To our own government whose elected and appointed officials swore to defend it.  First, the Sepreme Court made interpetations of our beautiful Constitution that no sensible person would make.  There is no such thing as individual rights anymore.  We began to lose them in the 1960s.  Government tellls me what I can keep on the property I bought and pay taxes on, how high the grass can grow.  They told a local lady what color she could paint her house and made it stick.  They control where and how we speak of our Lord and Saviour, while they allow language on TV and in movies that would make the devil blush.  They have made our jails debtor prisons, and make us pay for  new ones.  They assess huge fines and build them up to where the poor uneducated who can't afford lawyers, go to jail, and have no hope of ever being free, thus

    creating in them a dangerous despiration.  The thought of the government being of, by, and for the people is a laughable proposition, even for the most naive.  As for electing better officials, what we have are so entrenched, if you put a good honest one in, they make mincemeat out of him within a year. Worse yet, I can"t offer a ray of hope except our Lord will return in the clouds, even as he left, and He will rule and reign.  It will be an absolute dictatorship, but it will be right and righteous. Even so, Lord Jesus, come.

  11. Since your Avatar name is Apache, this may be a biased question and response, but yes, freedom has been fought for in this country since the English settlers landed.  The Indians fought for freedom from the colonists,  the English settlers fought for freedom from the French & Spanish settlers, the entire eastern seaboard fought for freedom from England, etc.  To uphold this independence, thousands upon thousands have died to promote democracy during WWI & WWII.  We are not a "perfect nation" and never will be, but like a "voice crying in the wilderness", our democratic process can work to provide a greater good for the majority.

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