
Is America the only country that has a welfare system ?

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In which they ( the government ) take money from a hard working person and give it to someone that wont work but is able to ?




  1. No.  In fact ours is among the most poorly run and poorly funded.  You should do a bit of research on today's US welfare system. Your notion of it is very outdated.  Most state systems were reorganized under the Clinton administration!  HUGE numbers of welfare recipients are working.  They make such low wages that they are still eligible for various subsidies like food stamps, discounted housing, health care for their children, etc.   Next.

    I guess it just makes some people feel better to carp about "lazy" welfare recipients.

  2. Most countries have systems like this.  In fact I think they all do in some form or another.  The US actually has one of the smaller systems in the industrialized world.

  3. You are probably right, most other countries insure that those who are truly in need are the ones who receive help.

    Our welfare system, on the other hand, is hopelessly flawed. A pat answer given when fraud is discovered is, 'We are too understaffed, to keep up with everyone.' That's just a crock of c**p.

    Go into any Welfare Office and see how many are waiting and how many Employees are doing nothing, but talking on the phone to friends, or other employees.(Remember this is a Govt. Agency==They aren't required to work)

    Drive through any Public Housing Complex and take note of the new cars. When they are confronted about  who owns these cars, you will hear answers such as, It belongs to my Auntie,my bother,my mother, my cousin, or some other relative, not living in the house. However, the car in question is always used by the one living in the govt housing and drawing a welfare check.

    Oh, its easy to get welfare in America, it you know the ropes and don't mind lying.

    I'm not opposed to welfare, just opposed to the way its mis-used.

  4. Wow..apparently from your other answers, I guess there are other Countries who do the WelFare system.

    I'm wondering if this is why the hard working people are so broke because we keep having to support the lazy ones who don't want to work and support their own families. There are people out there who genuinely need this support, but those who are able to work are certainly making it hard for us who are working, to save any money because it's going to them. I feel as though they need to re-evaluate the welfare system and make it a lot more strict so that the 'capable' people who can work, is forced to.

    If our Country would just support itself instead of relying on other Countries like Japan and China, and Mexico, even Canada to make all of our products, we can create MORE jobs out there for these people to work at. And that there could help our Economy as well. Where the economy stands, I feel like our Country is buckling because we are not allowing USA made products.

    I kind of got off track...sorry. It's really sad how these people are getting away with welfare fraud. I see some of these people on tv on Judge Judy, or Judge Alex, and I'm hoping they send their tapes to the SS offices and WelFare offices so that they can be punished for cheating the system and all of us who are supporting them. Too bad when they do catch the people who commit welfare fraud, that they don't make them pay back the money and 'we' actually see it.  

    Anyway...these type of people get my blood boiling. I can go on and on. I know one thing for certain, if I ever encounter someone who I can prove that they are cheating the welfare system, I wouldn't hesitate to turn them in. Family, friend, or not. It's not right.

  5. no. australia has a welfare system too.

  6. no. the EU has moved to the socialist system and that is what contributes to their shaky economies.  too many on the 'dole' and not enough 'workers' to support them.

    our liberals are trying to make us more like them.  they want to tax those big 'evil 'businesses right out of business and this will mean higher unemployment and less workers.

  7. Not even.

    Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Finland, Ntherlands, Italy, Greece, Norway, Poland, U.K., Portugal, Luxenbourg, Czech Republic, Hungary, Iceland, Spain, New Zealand, Australia, Slavak Republic, Canada, Japan, U.S., Ireland, Mexico, South Korea, China, India, Indonesia, Russia,Brazil, Pakistan

  8. No, I'm certain that Canada, the UK and France all have a welfare system in place.

  9. hahahahh


    Australia has one

    it comes in different catergories

    1. unemployed benefit (or the dole if you are over 21) you must fill out a form stating you are looking for work and detail the employees name and contact phone number every two weeks, you are given a diary to hand in once a month and you have it filled with employers numbers and addresses. You can end up getting forms where yoy have to fill out and have 10 - 20 employers every two weeks.

    2. youth allowance for people under 21

    3. Austudy allowance if you are studying fulltime in an approved course or university or tafe

    4. the pension (old age or disability)

  10. France has a very similar system, much to the dismay and anger of those who are working on a daily basis in order to support this ...They call it .."chaumage" ..........showmage-phonetically speaking.....It is their version of Welfare and is just as orad based and it is just as much disliked by their middleclass as ours is here in the United States

  11. I can only answer this and honestly say, I don't know. But I can promise you our welfare program is the most abused thing I have ever seen, I know of two cases right now, that are ripping the program blind, and cannot do a thing about it. It so unfair.  If you try to report someone  they make you look like a noisy fool. and tell you you have to have proof, so you back off, or you have to hire a lawyer. Sad, Sad, Sad..And who pays you and I. Sorry if I sound angry, No. try hurt.

  12. Oh please, read a newspaper. Of course not.

    Just because Reagan kept repeating that urban myth does not mean there are people out there unwilling to work.

  13. hardly

  14. No we are not but we are probobly the only country where Welfare is used as a tool to enslave generations of people and their families amd is used as a tool to buy votes enmass!In no other country on earth is WElfare seen as an entiltelment and as something that someone deserves!  Here in the USA politicians especially Democratic ones use WELFARE as means to ensure that they stay elected and in office! ITS A SCAM!

  15. Hahahaha, sounds like Australia's 'dole'.

  16. We are the only country that allows our politicians to buy votes with our tax money for other people to leech off of  , and call it welfare ! It really should be " Blackmail-fare".

  17. Other countries have a welfare system but not exactly like ours. I think in other countries, those on welfare are truly in need. Here we have young people who are able bodied and refuse to work. The social security office is full of young people trying to get on social security disability and have not worked a day in their lives, but use drug addiction or alcholism as a disability. People on welfare drive new cars and lack for nothing. A college education is provided and everything including tuition, transportation, books, food, and babysitting services is provided. Not exactly fair to the working people who have to get student loans to pay tuition and provide everything else for themselves. They need to get stricter, and limit the time someone can be on welfare, and they should have to provide proof that they are looking for work. Everyone wants to get rid of the illegals, however they are doing work that our welfare recipients refuse to do. The Bible says, if a man does not work, he should not eat. We are way too liberal and if obama has his way, we will be giving away even more to lazy people who refuse to work.

  18. America doesn't give money to people who are able to work but won't. If they don't get a job, after a while, the money gets cut off... whether they are single moms or not.

    In many Northern European countries, being poor is unheard of.  Not being able to find a job is unheard of.  The only people who get welfare in those countries are people who are disabled.

    This is part of the misconceptions many Americans have about welfare...welfare is impossible to get unless you have extreme circumstances... and getting it is almost a full time job in itself.  The myth of the welfare queen has made welfare the "bad guy" while there are people who clearly need it when, say, dad is injured and mom can't work because she has 3 kids and a husband that she has to constantly look after.  Sure, she could get a night job but would be leaving kids unattended, and should an emergency arise, she would be found guilty of neglect.

    This is why you should get all the information about a circumstance before you pass judgement.

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