
Is American Media even valid anymore?

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With all of the propaganda and straight lies that Americans are being told through the media, is it any surprise that people are fed up with it?

So the question is, if corporations ever stop their propaganda machines, will people ever go back to true journalism or are we stuck in entertainment?




  1. Good question.  All the media in the US has stooped to National Enquirer status; everything is sensationalism and soundbites.  Sensationalistic soundbites are best of all (Ahmedinejad, anyone?)

    An entire generation, and maybe more, have been dumbed-down by celebrity-laden stories.  Everything is entertainment now:  politics; news shows  like Bill O'Reilly which is more like a Jerry Springer show; even disaster stories.  Do the on-site reporters really have to stand in the flood waters?  Won't the other landmarks around indicate how deep the water is?

    I don't think the American Media will change much in the future.  Besides, the majority of the populous seems to have ADD or something and can't stick with a plain and factual account of anything.  I think they are stuck in entertainment mode, and if you want real news you have to find a different source.  The CBC is probably one of the best.

  2. American mainstream media is a joke. If I want updates on American Idol or Dancing with the Stars, then I'll tune in. If I want to see crowds of people screaming when the weatherman shows up, then I'll tune in. Otherwise if I want real news I'll turn to the internet.

  3. Bread and Circuses, Dude. The Romans knew how to tame the masses 2,000 years ago. Old trick.

  4. It's never gonna happen started from the beginning.  U.S. is notorious in that while accusing government of other countries controlling the media.  Even Youtube is contaminated by the politicians and big corp.  We shouldn't blame on Capitalism either.

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