
Is American public option going to flip flop on Iran just like did on Iraq?

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Is American public option going to flip flop on Iran just like did on Iraq?




  1. Yes, the potential is there. The problem is not the people who know about Iran and that we have essentially been fighting a war with them since 1979. It's the unconscious folks who are easily influenced by whatever the media tells them to believe.

    Also, I don't believe the American public has really flip flopped on Iraq. It's just that the press keeps trying to talk us out of it.

  2. Probably.  In fact we already are because we're learning from non-corporate media sources that the lies that tricked us into supporting a war on Iraq are being used again to trick us into a war on Iran.  Almost the same script and certainly the same players: the neocons, Big Oil, Israel and the neocons.  Yeah, I know.  I said neocons twice.

  3. yes, but by then it will be to late.

  4. I don't think so.  There's still too much bad blood from the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979, Achmadin-Jihad's alleged connection to it and Iran's connection to the Sunni-s**+'a conflict in Iraq.

    The current Iranian government would have to change before Americans flipflop on Iran.

    And boy, am I tired of that phrase "flip-flop!"  What a Republicanism!  

  5. You mean "opinion?"  Of course it will.  That's part of being American....not knowing what the h**l you think.

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