
Is Amnesty our only answer to the farm labor crisis?

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Do you have a better plan?

Wages have been increased a few times already, and they can only pay employees so much in order for the companies to make ends meet. You would think that with our un-employment rate on the rise, the farm labor crisis shouldn't be an issue. But why is it?




  1. Guest worker program, Amnesty has to do with people already here, but a Guest worker would be a much better compromise to promote legal migration and ease the farm labor crisis, without pissin off a lot of people

  2. It is quite likely that problems in obtaining field workers NOW are as a result of the past non enforcement of prior visa and immigration laws by both the farmers as well as our Federal and State agencies that do such work.

    There will be a time, while this influz we face now continues where getting labor will be challenging and COSTLY to farmers/US Cit.

    There are clearly visas available for folks, mostly from Mexico, to obtain a license to come, so their work and either go home or be moved to additional feild work. If these programs were used, the labor would be there. These people who come to work need to be bonded and given healthcare so if they do damage, taxpayers don't have to pay.

    It is insame to allow ANYONE but workers to come in on these visas. We don't need non productive wives or children or any other family members here.

    If others want to come, then get in line and apply. If workers have come and obeyed the laws of the visa, after a period of time, say 5 or more years, paying tax on their income, not doing criminal things etc. they should be considered for citizenship.

    This is simple work. Many in Mexico will come and do this work, particularly if they are accomodated. I have not problem giving them a provisional lic. to drive with proof of insurance. They must pass a test for driving skills and demonstrate the ability to read English driving signs to get this.

    Workers will come and they must be paid well and have protections so that America is not cheated. Their employer need to provide this.

    Sure it might be a bit more expensive ..but it will be worth the effort as our country will be a better and safer place.

  3. My plan:  Let every drug dealer, wife-beater, gun-runner and gang-banger in the state and federal pens earn their keep on a chain gang picking fruits and vegetables.

    That's how the work got done in days gone by!

  4. I've been following this situation for a couple of years now. This is my take...We have numbers ranging from 13 million to 30 million, either way that's a tremendous amount of people here illegally already integrated into our society and workforce. To imply it would be an easy or even viable solution to deport that many shows the level some people think on. It's an impossible task to put it bluntly. It would also create economic disasters in too many sectors to be thought of seriously.

    We do need to do something as the playing field can't accommodate any more players. Secure the borders, a pathway to legality for those with clean records beyond the illegal trespass, major crackdowns on gangs of all types and deporting those who aren't citizens and then we can address further issues of labor needs. But let's not put the cart ahead of the horse until these issues are resolved first.

  5. I agree with Tiny. letting illegals work the fields is not an answer. Everyone thinks we are saving $ by letting them work, when its the business that hire them saving, and us tax payers that are suffering by having to pay for their welfare and health care.

    Thanks for not copying and pasting, Greasy. what a refreshing way to start my Friday.

  6. 2% of illegals work in agriculture. What are the other 98% doing? Cheering them on? "Pick that tomato, Rah, Rah, Rah?" I don't think so! Maybe we could get some non-criminal Mexicans to help out! Just think a "farm workers visa" or something? Didn't we try that? I think it is called a guest worker program! Maybe we should fx that too!

  7. Illegal immigrant? That is a good question. In the eyes of Native Americans we are all illegal immigrants. We can't blame desperately poor people in a neighboring country for wanting to take the chance to come here and work. They are not coming to get rich so they can buy flat screen T.V's. They are coming to try and keep their families from starving to death. How many people are aware that the cost for legal visas went from $395 to $1400 on July 30, 2007? How do you expect a poor person that doesn't have enough money to buy food for their family to come up with this kind of money? I am not hispanic, but I am a human being as we all are. These "bad illegal immigrants" build our roads and bridges, pick our food, process our meat. In other words they keep our hands clean. How many of you know how to kill a chicken and prepare it. How many know how your back feels after picking fruit and vegetables all day in the hot sun from can til can't. How many of you discuss this in a air conditioned room at your computer over a latte? When I was hungry you fed Me. When I was naked you clothed Me. When I was sick you comforted Me. When I was in prison you came to visit Me. When you did this to the least of My brethren. You did it unto Me.

  8. anyone hiring ILLEGALS of any nationality should be fined heavily! farmers will survive by passing cost along.  they are already doing much worse to us by having us subsidize their workers, schooling, healthcare, and all other social cost.  we would be much better off to pay a few more cents for goods, than billions in welfare.

  9. large scale use of foreign labor has reduced wages and slowed adoption of harvest mechanization.

    last time amnesty was given the fiscal deficit increase went from $2,700 to $7,700 per household for a net cost of $29 billion.

    I do  not see a great benefit for either side. Who are you trying to kid?

    If you want to improve life for Mexicans so much why not go to Mexico and help them there? It's way to expensive in my opinion!

  10. Docar nailed it, why give Amnesty to all illegla when only a VERY few work in the fields.

  11. Absolutely not! No amnesty ever. Besides it being a horrible idea,it wouldn't help any way since only 2% of farm workers are illegals.

  12. No.  Amnesty is NOT our only answer to the farm labor crisis and there are many better plans.  But the plan that would work best would be for the growers to pay a living wage, and do those things which support those workers as they travel from city to city.

    American Citizens pick all but about 17% of the Agricultural crops in the United States.  Illegal aliens pick the rest, and this link will tell you that is a very bad idea.

    The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration

    Facts, Figures And Statistics On Illegal Immigration

    The section of it particularly good.

    Per Amnesty itself.. it will cost TRILLIONS of dollars to do an amnesty and we cannot afford that.  We particularly cannot afford that when we also know the illegal aliens only pick a small percentage of our crops, and the growers want more because they don't want to pay the costs of the American Workers.

    Another source dealing with amnesty.

    Amnesty is actually low profile at this point.  It is so expensive I don't think even Obama could make it fly.

  13. I dont know what the answer is, but I do know, there is a decreasing number of illegals working farm labor and an increasing number of illegals moving into other jobs!  Farm labor via visas, is bused in to the border states.  Maybe the illegals have figured out they can make the same dollar flipping burgers rather than the harsh, hard labor of farm work!  Deportation is a better option!

    to g henry above:  while I agree somewhat, except with the statement they cannot come up with the money to come here legally.  They seem to come up with thousands to pay the coyotes, where do they come up with that cash and why dont they apply that money to their food and application?

  14. Nope, in the 80's Amnesty was given to 12 million illegals. Why aren't they already in the fields?

    The last time we granted Amnesty it was supposed to be the solution to the Illegal Immigration problem, the sad but indisputable fact is that Amnesty had only made the problem worse.  A new Amnesty Act will only encourage MORE illegals to sneak their way into this country, I challenge anyone to prove me wrong on that.

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