
Is Amsterdam all it's cracked up to be with marijuana being legal and all?

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Is Amsterdam all it's cracked up to be with marijuana being legal and all?




  1. NOOOO i live near Amsterdam.

    Amsterdam is very touristic with museums, monuments, shops, restaurants, bars, cafes.

    Weed is legal in coffeeshops and sometimes people smoke outside but not that much!

    The people are very down to earth and friendly and most of them can speak english.

    So its not like you think it is

  2. Its a screwed up place.

  3. go for the Queen's bday..the best party ever.

  4. yes

  5. Drugs are for losers

  6. This is the urban myth that marijuana is legal "and all"

    Marijuana is decriminalised (tolerated) under agreed conditions which the coffeeshops are bound:

    - no more than five grams per person may be sold in any one transaction;

    - no hard drugs may be sold;

    - drugs may not be advertised;

    - the coffee shop must not cause any nuisance;

    - no drugs may be sold to persons under the age of 18, nor may minors be admitted on the premises.

    "... and all" - I assume you mean other drugs - strictly illegal and the police will act up on it

    Amsterdam (which by the way follows the law of the country and is not a law unto itself) is not a den of inequity.  There are sound reasons for the actions of the goverment and the results care out when looking at both drug useage in teenagers and that of people migranting to stronger drugs, with NL considerably lower compared with the US and other countries in Western Europe

    Actually if you travel to Amsterdam, in the centre, you will find the coffee shop's main source of trade in tourists and not locals!

    EDIT - Empress - you live in the Netherlands and you don't even know the laws of the country you live? It is not "legal", try reading up first

  7. amsterdam is heaven on earth.  amsterdam's airport is one of the cheapest in the region so we flew into and out of europe through there.  you would really have to try to get arrested there- i mean an exerted effort.  the police presence is very minor and non-threatening as long as you keep from being a real criminal.  There are crack heads that hang around dam square, but less than any major american city (i'm from chicago).  mushrooms were legal there up until this year and weed is not a big deal.  people smoke in public and in bars they shouldn't and nobody really cares.  unlike germay and the uk you can't drink in public which kind of sucked, but it's very easy to be sneeky.  just don't be obvious.  The city is beautiful.  canals ring around the city and stretch out from dam square.  there are flowers everywhere and the grass is superlush green.  for each one person in amsterdam there are roughly two bycycles.  mass transit is very well developed.  the architechture is very old and well kept.  this country was the one of the richest on earth in the in the 17 century with the shipping trade.  i'm saving to go back.  freedom from overprotective, baseless, victimless laws makes it- yes, it is all it's cracked up to be +one more level of awesome.

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