
Is Amway harmful to india?

by  |  earlier

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Is the spreading of Amway is hamful to indian industry or customers or ethically?

Should i not join it to save my country?




  1. yes i think so but not sure

  2. ya amway is good .but the business plan is bad.

    the referral stage is increasing always and its about mental torchure.. be carefull if u r studnt .because i have experience in it. i lossed many in it.... any way its up to u . before entering realize urself weather u can do r not ok

  3. yes it is harmful to indian market.

  4. No in terms of business. Do you know  the cost of products? I think we never thought to use a toothpaste costing Rs 100 plus.What can be the manufacturing cost of the product? If some one talks of quality we have plenty good products manufactured locally with cheap tag. Amway sell dreams, dreams to earn  easy money asking to trap your own close relatives. I don't know how much people earn out of this but Amway do good business in India as we are the people who wants to become rich without hard working. So think before you join. Wish you all the best.

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