
Is Amy's Kitchen vegan or vegitarian?

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Okay, how about the Teriyaki bowl and asian noodle stirfry? Are they Vegan?




  1. Some of their products have cheese. I think you would have to read the label on anything you were buying if you were serious about being a vegetarian.

  2. Check the box - Amy's makes both vegetarian and vegan. It's all about the cheese - read the box for "cheddar-style" versus "pie with cheddar cheese" (vegan/ vegetarian.)

  3. Yes, those two products are vegan.

    Amy's has tons of vegan foods. You can go to their website, select "vegan", and get a list of all their vegan products:

    (According to Amy's site, they have 78 vegan products!!)

  4. Most of it's vegan. If you check the ingredients, the first thing it says is (vegan) if it is infact, vegan.

  5. vegetarian

  6. Amy's Kitchen makes food products for both Vegans and Vegitarians. Read the labels when you go shopping, and check out their website for more product information:

  7. Depends on the product. You have to read the labels, some of Amy's Kitchen products are in fact vegan, other's contain dairy.

  8. Amy's Kitchen is a vegetarian company (some products have dairy), but their vegan items are clearly indicated at the beginning of the ingredients list.

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