
Is Amy Winehouse the last vestige of punk rock?

by Guest55986  |  earlier

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Based on her disregard for her own well being, wardrobe choices, dysfunction, drug use, the list goes on and on. This woman wears nihilism rather well, in my opinion.




  1. Amy winehouse is just anouther drug addicted media sponsored celebrity train wreck

    Nothing worth glorifying or turning into a symbol

  2. I can take her with a large pinch of salt. But doesn't she look a bit like a demented hamster.

  3. Yep, lets hope she burns out soon

  4. I hate what drugs and alcohol have made of her. A few years ago, in her hayday and all sobriety she was an absolutely AMAZING performer. Her voice was full of soul and passion but it was then she really care about her singing. She does not anymore. She is a gifted artist and song lyricist though. Her songs are insightful, painful, original, brutally honest. I do put her up there with Ella and Dinah and Sarah Vaughen but only for what she ahs already accomplished. She is flushing it all down the toilet now. If you look on you tube to her previous jools holland performances of 'stronger then me' and Me and Mr Jones and Teach me tonight, she is astounding, absolutely astounding! She is just not on the planet at the minute. If I did not like her for her singing, I respect her immensely for her writing abilities.Very talented and

    to answer your question I do not think she is the last vestige of punk rock but more in the line of jazz singers of old like Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald all who had these similar drug and drink problems. She sings the blues and it works for her, they are her foremothers, not Johnny Lydon, she does not even listen to that music

    And I have no link but i implore you to check out you tube

  5. She is a nutter, I watched her perform at Glastonbury on TV this weekend and she punched a fan in the face for touching her hair.

  6. She does.  Just wish she'd better apply her eye make-up.

    She doesn't rock, she's just sad.

  7. She's Britain's Britney....only more likely of killing herself.

  8. I hope so.

  9. Not necessarily in her sound, but everything else about her 'screams' punk rock.

    I hope she survives a long time , she's cool !

    But there is the issue of sobriety . If she gets sober she's more likely to live, but she'll probably lose her edge, you know like when Chrissy Hind (Pretenders) got clean.

  10. Even though she's a jazz singer? Sadly, the closest thing we have to punk these days is all those wimpy, pre-packaged emo bands.

  11. She is just HORRIBLE.  I don't who she slept with to get where she is now, but she is one of the WORST performers I have ever heard.

  12. Punk rock - at least in the UK - had a strong sociopolitical streak (e.g s*x Pistols and anarchy, The Clash & socialism etc). Obviously the style of music is totally different, but I understand that you weren't talking about the music.

    Amy Winehouse is nihilistic all right, but its pre-punk decadence/bohemianism, not punk rock.

  13. She was awful when I saw her at Glastonbury last year. And now she's got emphysema from smoking crack. Pretty soon she won't be able to sing at all. What a way to self destruct.

  14. I think she is so overrated.I swear Ive been in bar room clubs where women were singing the same style music and sounded a 100 times better.

  15. Probably, but I"m not sure that's a good thing.

    It was only cool back when you could argue innocently you didn't know it led to death and destruction.

    Now there's no realy feasible way for young people to say they don't know drugs lead to a wasted life, so it's really not cool anymore.

    More likely it's time for Punk to reinvent itself in some more creative way

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