
Is Andrew Murray taking Steroids?

by Guest60154  |  earlier

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What strange behaviour? Is he mentally OK?




  1. He's an angry young man.  He'd look bigger than that if he was on steroids!

  2. I think you may be right, didnt think that, but could be here is some food for thought

    1. He's very aggresive

    2. A lot of injuries

    3. Hes taken plenty of bathroom breaks and come out more pumped up

    4. His muscles are now much bigger..

  3. Hes prob just very moody

  4. I do not think it was as bad as people made it out to be.  He is a guy who is fired up just like when there is a touch down during the games in America.  Nobody says such mean things about those guys.  Anyway I think he was just having a great time.  You don't have to be taking drugs to have a good time.  Sorry to disappoint you.  I don't think any of them are.

  5. No he isn't on steroids! He has been working out alot more lately so he could be a bit stronger in the Wimbledon which he will need against Nadal!

    Steroids are illegal in tennis, and I don't think he will be stupid enough to tak them, and if he's caught he will have a suspension!

    Steroids do change the mind of someone, and they can commit suicide like a wrestler called Chris Benoit killed his wife, and chile, and then hung himself!

    You don't have to worry! He isn't taking steroids. (yet)

  6. he's got anger problem...he must go for anger management therapy

  7. I think it's just an attitude problem. A very annoying attitude problem, but one nonetheless.

  8. no

  9. He dosent have anger problems and he isent on steroids.

    Havent use guys ever played any sports he celebrating he's getting right into the game he wants it.

    hes not a stuck up posh snob like use!

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