well since I was a child I remember my mother being over the top stressed out. Always over analyzing everything, worrying too much, stressed to the max, everything irritated her and sometimes she'd have complete melt downs!
Well now that's me...... I'm 21 yrs old and I've been an anxiety mess for at least the last 3 years, probably earlier then that, but considerably more now.
I have a big fear with driving for some reason, I can't even be a passenger. Every time I step foot into a car its like "hold on this could be a last ride~!!!!" (at least that's how i feel) I stress out sooo much that my fiance has almost gotten into accidents because of my freaking on the side! I honestly don't know why I fear the car so much!!! but I HATE it!!! Even talking about this is making me sick to my stomach. One time I was driving to my parents house literally 10 minutes away and I had to pull over on the side of the highway for half an hour while I hyperventilated and bawled..... Why does this happen to me? (this isn't the only thing that makes me stress or get worked up, it's just the clearest example for now)
I have to take "Nite-Eze" to help me sleep (herbal supplement) I also smoke weed to keep me relaxed, also yesterday I went to the health food store to pick up some KavaKava, and apparently its illegal in Canada!!! What do I do?