
Is Anyone Else Hooked On Cleaning??

by Guest10863  |  earlier

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When I'm stressed out, cleaning makes me feel calm and happy! I love to wash the dishes by hand, I LOVE to clean the bathrooms and kitchen, and I love to do the laundry! I honestly get excited when I go into the cleaning aisles of the store.... I love the smells of my favorite cleaners, I love bleach....

I LOVE scrubbing pads and sponges too!!





  1. I'm the same way. My favorite section of Wal-mart or Bed Bath and Beyond is the cleaning supplies. It is hard for me to get motivated to clean, but once I start I just cannot stop!

  2. nothing is worng with you! its great you like cleaning. but be careful with that smelling bleach, its very powerful stuff. a lot of house cleaners contain extremely harmful chemicals to you and your family, so make sure you use the right protectionc when cleaning.

    as an alternative swap for some warm soapy water where possible (less harmful chemicals) and to get that nice smell use a room freshner, room deoderant or room perfumes to make it that nice smell you like.

  3. I like to clean too when I'm stressed - I guess it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something besides just being mad at someone or something!

    I clean all the windows inside and out, dust everything, clean out cabinets - you name it - I'm doing it!  

    The house looks real good afterwards, and I guess I feel better, so it's a win win!

  4. We are two of the same type of people! Sometimes I think I need help. When I'm feeling strange and down I go shopping for cleaning products and it makes me happy. I don't love the smells of bleach.. but I like the freshness that cleaners bring.

    I don't know what's wrong with you or me, but I think it might be an OBSESSION if not OCD. Yikes!

  5. I was like that when I was first married.

    Now, I feel that way about restoring antiques.

    There are many wonderful products that are environmentally compatible, and smell great. Try them, and your home will  be super clean and healthier, too.

  6. i think its a great workout!

  7. i LOVE the cleaning aisle! there are soo many choices!! i have to be in the mood to clean, but once i get going...its on. i love the clean smell that bleach leaves once you've cleaned like the bathtub or toliet. it just makes me want to take a shower after cleaning it cause i'd be the first one in a fresh shower. i LOVE the smell of pinesol (not the generic stuff) after cleaning the kitchen floor. its just seems sooo clean. i LOVE using comet in the bathroom. i like to put laundry in the washer and dryer, just not the folding part. i love the smell of clothes off the clothing line after drying in the sun. its great! makes me want to clean something

  8. Can you come over my house?

  9. Put all that cleaning energy to good use!  Get yourself a job cleaning houses.  There are plenty of people out there  who would love a good house cleaner.  I'll be first in line.

  10. Marry me now.

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