
Is Anyone Sick of Pink weddings? Is Pink the new Black?

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I am sick of the color Pink! Every Since J-Lo Pink Ring everyone has been using Pink for their wedding colors! I am not engaged I am ready for a new popular color! Will Pink every die out? Is Pink the new Black? Why are women and girls crazy about the color Pink?

Have you ever ask someone what are their wedding colors and they say "Ruby and Diamond" or "Cranberry and Mid-Night Blue"? Its like just say the color Dark-Red and and Navy Blue!

After the cermony have you ever tried to just get to the bride and groom to tell the "congrats",but then have to shake everyone hand in the wedding you do not know?

Have you ever been to a wedding with No seating Chart and you don't no anyone there?

The reason why you are there is because the Bride invited You? Now you are tryin to find a seat but every place you go they say that they are taken?




  1. Haha! Well, I actively avoided the color pink until my fiance' and I  were forced to change our wedding plans when our original venue tried to rip us off. We love our new plans for and English Garden wedding and chose kiwi (not bright like lime), pale PINK *gasp,* white, and silver. Most people plan their weddings, and choose their color schemes, according to their personal taste. Not by what's popular with the rich and famous.

    Giving colors names help create the atmosphere for your wedding vision, and are not indicators of people trapped in La La Land.

  2. Jennifer Lopez has nothing to do with pink. She just likes same as everyone else does.

    Pink is a beautiful, soft and girly color. While I must say that I love turquoise best, my wedding will have alot of pink in it, as my gown does.

    As far as renaming colors, you have to understand that weddings are important to most people. Not because they're being too girly or in la-la land. They just care and are passionate and want others to understand exactly what they envision... hence the overuse of expressions and descriptions at times.

    And no I haven't been to a wedding like that. A wedding is not a cafeteria. People are to sit with their families and people they know and mingle beautifully.

  3. I hear hater-ism in the wonder you're not engaged;you have so many issues with everything revolving around colors, seating charts, mid night blue vs. navy blue & weddings ..and you're not even engaged. What is the real problem???Honestly???

    And I'm not even trying to be funny.,

  4. I personally LOVE the color pink, however, not for weddings. I think it is a bit tacky, but when mixed in with other colors it is absolutely beautiful.

  5. It depends on the shade of pink, doesn't it? I personally love powder pink, that shade barely past white, but there is no pink in my wedding whatsoever(I don't know why). I've quickly developed an aversion to that Pepto Bismol Pink that everyone combines with brown, but only because I feel that it's been overdone.

  6. 1.who cares about "j-lo" shell be running around the block again soon anyway. was popular way before than so that is bullshit colors are not pink and i know 3 people getting married and their colors are not pink one has coral but closer to orange.

    4.what does it matter to you what other people are doing can't you just be happy for people who cares about their colors that is why it is their wedding and not yours..

  7. Well, when you get married you can pick whatever colors you want, make a seating chart and not have a receiving line.  Until then, don't be so judgemental of others likes and decisions.  If a bride wants to say her wedding colors are blush and champagne and you think they are pink and offwhite, so what?!  "To each his own."

  8. I've only been to one wedding. it was white. Very traditional. I have heard that pink is the new black. But it is just a phase and people will get over it. Pink will die from being so popular eventually. I have no problem with the colour pink, but it is annoying how people assume that it is a girls/womens colour of choice. My favorite colour is personally white. I would love a blue wedding...I think that would be pretty. But I'm only 15, so it doesn't really matter.

    Well because those aren't the actual colours...It's their special day, let them be exact.

    No. I was IN the wedding, so I really didn't have a problem with that.

    Nopes. The wedding I was in was very well organized. It was wonderful and a lot of fun!

  9. LOL!  I love your question.  I'm laughing because at the time my husband and I got married, blue was THE color.  And this was back in the day when the tuxes came in all sorts of colors, so when the girls were in a baby blue dress, the guys were usually in a baby blue tux.  By the time I had been to 7 or 8 blue weddings in less than 2 years, I was ready to scream.  Our wedding colors were pastel yellow dresses for the girls, light green tuxes for the guys, and flowers in white, yellow, and pink.

    When our daughter got engaged 5 years ago, I told her that I would do my very best not to try to take over her wedding, but there was one thing that was not negotiable - she could not have a blue wedding.  Fortunately, she hated blue weddings too!  Their colors were lavender and yellow.

    I remember very well getting stuck in receiving lines with the bridesmaids, groomsmen, bride, groom, parents, grandparents, great-aunts and great-uncles, the minister and his wife, the organist and her husband, the 3 aunts, 4 cousins, and 2 Sunday School teachers who made all the food .... Nothing but misery for everyone, especially the bride and groom who probably haven't eaten all day and just want to sit down and dig in!

    Okay, and I have one big thing to say about seating charts for all you soon-to-be brides.  My daughter's reception wasn't a plated meal; it was heavy hors d'oeuvres, and expected people to be up and mingling more so than sitting and eating.  So daughter of mine and wedding planner marked out the tables that were reserved for the bridesmaids and groomsmen.  So far, so good, right?

    All the guests got there before the wedding party.  Then we were introduced.  By the time my husband and I were introduced, there were no seats left at any of the tables.  And we were paying for the danged party!  I asked the wedding planner why there hadn't been a table reserved for the parents of the bride and groom and she got all wide-eyed and said, "But you don't ever reserve tables for anyone but the bridesmaids and groomsmen."

    I have one child.  Her wedding - which I will admit was one of the most wonderful days of my life, even if it did take 3 months afterwards to catch up on my sleep! - is now behind us.  She's now a mom and I have my "Just call me GRANDMA" baseball cap.  Life is very good indeed.

    But if I had more daughters, I would hand each one a thousand dollars and tell them to elope.  Once was enough!  


  10. haha i HATE the color pink. im not a pink girl. im a redhead naturally and pink always looked like c**p on me (ooooh but my mom definatley tried to make me pink, belive that) but ive always hated it. its carried over to my adult life. i dont own anything pink. and i mean nothing, not even a crayon. But its personal, a lot of my friends are pink kind of girls and its cute for them, i dont have anything against pink except that it makes me and my skin look pink.


    the reason people use the fancy name for the color is because theres sooooooooo many different shades of dark red, that cranberry really discribes it best., and so on and so forth. (my favorite color is aqua...not sunlight sea blue green or something crazy, i see your logic)  But i can understand if youre dealing with a pistachio ice cream green as opposed to a pastel could call them both light green but one is more neon...youre just giving people a better idea of what shade your referring to. i dont really practice that myself...but i understand it.

  11. I don't care for pink myself....even in my wishey-washy pastels need apply....

    I'm tired of blue & brown....anything brown...and black & red, black & white, black & overdone...and strapless pick-up many brides get 'em they've reached uniform status.....all the dresses look the same..yet these same gals what their weddings to look different, & unique, memorable..and yet THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME!!!!!!

    Oh, well.....

  12. Ugh, I just went to a wedding where the bride wore the most horrendous pink gown, covered in cheap-looking white silk flowers and glitter. Seriously, it was heinous. Tackiest wedding dress I've ever seen.

    Have you ever been to a wedding where the maid of honor (the bride's sister) got drunk and toasted to "the rhythm method", without which her sister (the bride) would never have been born? Imagine the embarrassment of the bride and her parents!

  13. well...I used pink, white and silver, but that was 3 years ago and only because I ordered my flowers before I picked the wedding colours.  I happen to love the colour pink though.  It has nothing to do with J-Lo and to be honest...I have never been to another wedding that used pink yet.  its just like I can say I hate certain colours for weddings but people still use them.  so many people are doing white, black and red these days.  as for colour names...they say it because thats the name of the colour the bridal stores use and it give a more exact idea of the shade being used.  mid-night blue and navy blue are different shades of blue.  I dont consider cranberry a dark-red.  wait until you go to get married and you'll see how it is finally.  and you can pick your own colours that will have been done before by somebody somewhere.

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