
Is Appearance depend on just your Hair?

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I'm a boy and 16 and I want to know do girls just pay attention to a boy's hair when they want to be friend? what else do they pay attention?




  1. If they wanna be ur mate they'd most likely be paying attention to ur personality not ur hair. Actual friends atleast, not just people who wanna be seen to know u cos u have cool hair.

  2. Of course not. It's not only about the hair for all girls.

    Some girls are all about being handsome. Some are all about having an independent personality (like me).

    Anyway, you should only be yourself & it'll be easy.

  3. i <3 emo/scene hair i dont particually care what they look like its just the hair mmm yummy

  4. Of course it's not just about the hair. It's about your clothes as well.

    And I believe that girls will not only talk to you because of how you look, but also by how you act around them and what your manners and attitude are showing.

  5. hair is one thing that really matter... but what u wear (clothes and accessories like hat, shoes, etc) also affect your appearance. but when u ask girl what we pay attention to on someone if we want to be a friend with him/her, it's mostly because how u represent ur self. how u talk, ur personality, etc...

    but really..., it doesn't take so many reason and requirements to make a friend... ^_^  

  6. ya they do not just the hairs every thing ur behaviour,they way u walk,talk,ur clothes n most important u should be honest 'coz if ur caught lyin she'll leave u ..try lookin cute

  7. If i a guy is nice looking (nice clothes, hair, face) then i'll want to get to know him and be his friend. But thats not the important thing, it's about the personality, so if you're a good guy, i'm sure girls will notice youuu.

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