
Is Argentina's situation getting better?

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I'm from Buenos Aires Argentina and living in the US since 2001. I'm considering going back over there for college but I've been reading about our situation and it sounds terrible. I know that we've always had theft and stuff, but is it worse? how bad? what about jobs for the "fresh out of college"?




  1. Hi! I'm living in Argentina. En lo económico se está un poco mejor, pero dentro de poco empeoramos con Cristina. Ahora los robos son cosas que te pueden pasar a cualquier hora, cualquier día. El otro día le robaron a mi amigo. Los trabajos, supongo que podrás encontrar facilmente, pero no se si te van a pagar bien. Y, como siempre, el transporte es horrendo.

    ¡¡¡No vuelvas!!!

  2. The new President is obviously going to continue the policies of the former preseident, who was her husband. They have made tremendous progress in the last several years. As they say, there's no place like home.

  3. Hi there - Scotsman in Buenos Aires!

    I run

    There is Buenos Aires  and then there is Buenos Aires.

    I feel safer north of San Telmo, east of Caballito and south of Belgrano than I do in any American City or parts of London late at night.

    I am afraid to say that the safe areas inhabited by tourists and the rich are still  policed very well ( well if standing, chatting, smoking and looking terribly bored is considered well policed - it seems to work) and suffer some petty crime, but relatively little serious crime when compared to provincia - suburban Buenos Aires.

    However, we get reports daily on scams and cons and annoyances, but very little that would put me off living in this wonderful city.  

    My answer therefore is it depends on where you intend to Buenos Aires Stay.

  4. Mira yo estoy en USA desde el 2002,en florida hace un anio y medio, pero sigo muy en contacto con amigos y familia.

    La situacion economica esta mejor , la industria esta bastante reactivada .

    El problema sigue siendo la inseguridad, ahora frenaron los secuestros y aumentaron los asaltos a cualquiera y cualquier hora.

    Si tenes posibilidad, yo que vos busco trabajo en el interior, no se si tu carrera te lo permite, pero como en todos lados los problemas de seguridad son mayores en las grandes ciudades.

    Eso es lo que pienso hacer yo si vuelvo, tratar de llevar algo de plata e irme a vivir y trabajar en Puerto Madryn o cualquier polo industrial en el interior, y cuanto mas lejos de big cities mejor. La vida es mejor , y mas tranquila.

    Mira por trabajos via internet o en los diarios y a lo mejor encontras algo que te interesa

  5. Hola, soy argentina tambien y estuve viviendo afuera hasta hace poco tiempo. Te soy sincera mi consejo es que te quedes en USA si tu situacion lo permite,aca te vas a encontrar con la misma situacion de inseguridad de siempre y los precios estan por lo menos, lo mismo que Usa . Hay inflacion, los precios estan por las nubes hay encuestas que muestran que es mas caro vivir aca que Estados Unidos.

    Sobre los trabajos no se muy bien, seguro es un poco mejor la situacion que en 2001.


  6. I have lived here a year now and have witnessed much more petty theft recently, including muggings using guns (usually they use knifes or their fists) in broad daylight.  I have not been a victim, but have seen muggings in some very nice neighborhoods. As long as you use common sense (no expensive jewelry, bags, cell phones, etc.) you will be fine.

    As far as the job market, the economy is quite good.  While a lot of employees are still working "en *****," there are some good jobs "en blanco" to be found if you have your DNI. is Argentina's so I would check there for a list of available jobs.  Good luck!

  7. Also, the University system is different.  The public university - UBA Universidad de Buenos Aires, is by far the most recognized university.  The private universities are generally viewed as second rate and the everyone believes the students are "buying" their degrees".  

    If you were to attend UBA you would have to complete a year of general studies CBC - ciclo basico comun - before you would officially be enrolled in whichever degree program you choose.  UBA is quite demanding and it is not rare that a student needs more than 1 year to complete CBC.  After CBC depending on the program it generally takes another 4-6 years to graduate.  Its a long process, but a degree from UBA will probably be valuable internationally.

    Also, college in Argentina is not like in the US where you have a campus, a quad and all the buildings grouped together and the students live on or near the campus.  Porteno students will more than likely still be living at home.  There are some students from around the country that will rent an apartment or room.

    Salaries are generally pretty low - depending on what you study.  Cost of living is quite high.  Rent is becoming increasingly expensive.

    However, Buenos Aires is a fun place to live, but it will be quite different from what you are used to.  Investigate before making the decision.

  8. te digo la verdad......las cosas si estan mejorando pero como todo progreso este va muy despacio pero progreso al fin.........yo te diria que te quedes alla arg esta buenisimo para vos solamente porque es donde estuviste viviendo y donde te criaste pero nada mas, mejor oportunidades que alla no va haber y la vida no va a ser la misma que estas viviendo asi que pensalo y decidi que es lo que te gustaria volver a lo tuyo a donde te sentis como en tu casa o donde seguramente estas viviendo mejor, ojo que no lo digo solo por la imagino que son muchos los factores............pero como dice el dicho

    There's No Place Like Home!

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