
Is Arizona becoming a Banana Republic, with central America style government tactics?

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I live in Phoenix and am getting more and more disturbed by the actions of the local and state authorities, using their offices to exact revenge on their political foes, all at the taxpayers' expense.

To wit: America's most unsrupulous Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, is conducting an investigation, in cooperation with the County Attorney''s office for a payement from the State Treasury to the AG's office. They haven't prodcued a shred of evidence, despite burying the AG's office in piles of requrests for information.

The Sheriff decided he wants access to all of the Mayor's Office's email.

Arpaio's officers are known to follow, monitor and harrass those who would run against him or criticize him, which to me is his way of doing away with the right to free speech, in it's purest form.

Arpaio arrests editors of a newspaper for continually writing unfavorable articles (a judge threw out the sherriff's and County Attorney's case almost immediately).




  1. What a shame. You have a petty dictator over there. The FBI should be investigating Arpaio and he ought to be sued for violating peoples' civil rights.

    If he's that crooked, maybe the boys from back East otta start asking hard questions, you know like Mike Wallace from 60 Minutes or maybe the people from 20/20, etc.

  2. Yes it is. But then Sheriff Joes antics have been going on for a long time.

    He has cost the tax payers millions

    He wasted hours of money and time when he could have been doing real police work to arrest a WHOPPING 13 illegal immigrants.. I would laugh if it were not so sad

    Ignores criminals to chase illegals

    "75,000 outstanding warrants countywide - 41,000 of which are for felony crimes."

    Janet cuts off his funding

    He abuses taxpayers money

    If illegal immigration were not in the public eye neither would Joe, how many years has illegal immigration been going on in Arizona, when did he become so outspoken about it? When it would get him the most publicity of course.

  3. Arizona has seemed like a third world country to me for a long time.  The spread between the haves and the have nots is particularly large here, and there seems to be an antipathy among the haves towards the have nots.  The state is at the bottom of almost all lists comparing education, social issues, health care and charitable giving.  

    This type of environment seems ripe for the likes of Sheriff Joe Arpaio to emerge.  Hopefully Maricopa will come become a little more enlightened and vote him out soon.

    Thank you for your post and question.

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