
Is Arthur Scargill back ?

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Arthur is back backing a hippie protest about E-On's latest coal powered power station.Where has he been since the 70's.Why surface now if he was right way back then ??




  1. Arthur is a hero who speaks only the truth, for which he is castigated, ridiculed and belittled by those who don't want us to know the truth.

  2. He's not backing the protesters he's against them, he's was on Ch4 saying we needed coal......that fella loves coal

  3. Ha ha!  I love the category you've put your question under!

  4. No, he just looks black cos Mrs Thatch banished him back "to the pit from which he sprang" So he has been living a dark and lonely existance in the deepest Coalmine he could find,a bit like a big ginger Gollum, searching for his mysterious "Precious". This is believed to be the fabled Black Diamond of economic viability, which has not been seen since the Winter of Discontent. Over the years,the coal dust has stained his pallid skin to a Jet Black,so no-one ever recognises him.  

  5. He was busy getting a hair transplant. Don't be evil! How would you liketo look like the extra member of the goodies?

  6. i am far from being pro- marxist,but the man was dead right about the value of coal!

  7. Hang on. Coal Miner's leader. Opposing a new coal-burning station. WTF????

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