
Is Aspen bedding ok to use for hamsters and gerbils?

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i need some more bedding. I usually use carefresh or some generic brand with the same product but I was wandering if aspen would be safer than pine & cedar.




  1. Yes

  2. Yes. Aspen is the safest wood shaving you could use for bedding. It's great. I use it for my gerbils, and I love it. It masks odors well, is absorbent, and holds up their tunnels very well.

  3. Yep! Its one of the best kinds you can get other than carefresh. Dont use pine or cedar because its has harmful chemicals that cause upper respitory problems. Choose that over the other wood or dust products. I hope this helps!

  4. Yea im using it and so far my hamster hasnt reacted to it at all he quite likes it. Plus when i bought this guy i bought a 41L bag of aspen for like $12 I was origanliy wanting to buy Carefrwsh but for the same size of bag it was $10 more.

    PLus Aspen isnt treated so no harmful chemicals and No dust. (I heard carefresh gives dust off). And keeps the smell in.(For me anyways).

    If i were to rate it on a scale of 1-10 i would give it an 8.

    The only reason i would give it an 8 is because The package i got mine in its quite hard to get out because Of how i opened up the bag.

    Hope i helped.

    Ps how are the gerbils doing?

  5. probably one of the best bedding of them all!

    so good pick!

    good luck

  6. yes it is less dusty than pine and cedar and also does not have strong fumes that cedar does which has been known to poison small animals

  7. aspen bedding is much better, it releases no toxins, has no oil, and is 100% sterile.

  8. Aspen is the best and safest bedding available on the market for all rodents! I use a mixture of Carefresh and Aspen and have never had any problems with it.

    Aspen bedding is a hard wood so there are no oils in it that can be harmful for animals unlike pine or cedar.

    I strongly recommend buying this although Carefresh is very good also.

  9. perfect!!!!!! i have been using that with my hamster for year, it is tottaly safe.

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