
Is Astrology a Religion?

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I'm sure to get a lot of conflicting views on this.

Astrology is a belief. Those who believe in it have faith that at least 50 % of the time it is right.

So then, wouldn't that make it a Religion of sorts? People Believe and practice it (i.e. Guessing some ones sign, studying birth charts). I haven't heard of it being practiced in a group (Like a church for instance) but, people still have faith in it.

So then, is it a religion?

Your Sun, rising, moon would help, too.




  1. Hi Bumby,

    Yes, I agree with r_a73.  She said it perfectly!  As for me personally, it is a tool or a guiding light to help me better understand myself and others.  I do belief it is a gift from the Almighty for those with open minds and hearts, and it is to be utilized responsibly and respectfully by those who have understanding.

  2. I dont know my sun or much, all I know is that im aries.  And the difference I think is that astrology isnt really trying to tell you a truth like many religions like to claim.

  3. Astrology is neither a religion nor a belief. We don't worship the planets, so it can't be classified as a religion. Interesting to note though, and I really am *very* sorry to have to contradict what chainlightning's said up there above me, but the bible, (and hence both hebrew *and* christian faiths) is heavily based on astrology. The entire creation/nativity/crucifixion/resurrecti... myth is based on the sun, rather than the "son". When moses came down from the mountain to find his people worshipping a golden calf, he wasn't pissed because they were worshipping something other than god, he was annoyed because they were still following the ways of the age of Taurus, when they should have been moving forwards to the age of Aries. The ram's horn that the Hebrews *still* blow to this day is symbolic of the zodiac sign Aries, and nothing else. The list of astrological references in the bible goes on and on, look it up. Astrology is not a religion, but religion is a watered down astrological fairy tale. Religion is the *mythology*, astrology is the fact.

    As far as astrology being a belief, that really doesn't fit either, because you need not believe in astrology for it to work. The effects of astrology are observable, regardless of whether or not one *believes* that they are. Have you ever looked at the birthchart of a friend or relative who does not "believe" in astrology? Still fits the person, huh? If that person publicly denounced the validity of astrology and shouted that astrology was false from the highest mountain, it would not change the *fact* that the individual's birth chart *still* fit the individual. In fact the birthchart would probably even say something about that individual being the sort of person who isn't naturally inclined towards the study of astrology. So clearly belief is not required when one studies astrology, otherwise we wouldn't be able to draw accurate birthcharts for non-"believers".

    So astrology is not a religion, nor is it a belief....where does this leave it then? From my viewpoint, it's a tool which is to be used for greater self awareness and awareness of our environment. There is a spiritual element to that, yes, but not a religious one.

    May be back if I think of anything else to add:)

  4. Yes, I do believe that in a sense it is a religion. There are those that follow it very seriously, and in a sense, it does become a strong belief with controversy as any other religion would have.

    What you define as a religion is up to you, but to me, it is any belief that is followed seriously with faith.


  5. astrology is a religion rather than a science

  6. Many people would kick me but i use it as a tool to know myself and understand others and my environment.... i think is not a religion....

  7. To the Babylonians the planets were gods. Greeks, Romans, and in India also had multiple gods. Astrology was popular for these types of religions.

    The Hebrews did not practice astrology, with their belief of one god. It is considered  an abomination. They did not get drawn to worshiping the night sky. Only worshiping the one that created the planets and stars. When conquered, they mocked the Babylonians belief in the book of Daniel.

    Do you really believe that the planets are created for humans alone? To be programed and guided by them for their life spans? This suggests an intelligent designer for this, i.e. a god or gods. But it does not point to any particular religion except the country that practices it's own type of astrology.

    If it is right 50% (no evidence for this number) of the time, it is like tossing a coin. No testing has it doing any better than chance.

    Edit: No debate from me that the Hebrews did  see constellations, they all are imaginary. But it was more likely used as a calender. Many cultures did this around the world as everyone knows. If reproduced as black dots on paper seeing these patterns would be very hard. I'm not saying astrology is a religion, but it still requires a lot of assumed beliefs for it's use. There are too many flaws that can't be solved. Also there is no type that can claim to be the true one.

  8. Astrology is not a science, Astronomy is. It is not a religion, just a belief, they are not the same thing.

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