
Is Aubiose any good? and How do I stop my fat pony getting any fatter?

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My pony/horse is a 14.2 welsh cob who is a very good doer and gets very fat. Unfortunately she's on box rest at the moment for an injury, and we've just moved her onto DIY so suddenly I'm doing everything. This a move from an arrangement elsewhere on full livery, so I'm a little new to all this.

A few questions. What does everyone think of Auboise? I want to move onto that because I've heard it's cheaper in the long run and easier to manage.

I'm wetting her hay because she's has a dust allergy, how long should I soak for and how wet should it be when she gets it (should I leave it to dry a bit first?).

She's fat! So, how much hay should she get a day and how much feed (at the moment, just to maintain her routine, she's getting a feed twice a day of an apple, a few carrots and a handful of pony nuts)?

Any suggestions much appreciated!




  1. turn her out with a muzzle on. that means she will not be able to eat in the field so she cant get any fatter!

    keep up a good fitness reigeme (if thats how you spell it?)

    and keep it on a diet.

    Feed her a slice of hay in the morning, and a slice an tinght to keep her buisy - you cant starve her!

    then give her 1 good meal of the stuff you normally give her.

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