
Is Australia Day always on the 26th of January?

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I'm Australian, and I don't know. How embarrassing. I was just wondering that no matter what the year, is the celebration was always on the 26th? Thanks.




  1. Australia Day itself is the 26th January (How did you miss that?)

    And the holiday is not "held on a Monday", it's only put on the Monday if it falls on a weekend.  If it fell on a Tuesday we'd have the holiday then too!

  2. Not such a silly question.  Yes, Australia Day is always celebrated on 26 January, the anniversary of the day the First Fleet landed in Sydney.

    But it's not always been a national day, and it was not until 1994 that all States and Territories consistently made this day a public holiday.  

    EDIT:  and to Bandit - The arrival of the First Fleet and the establishment of the Penal Colony are exactly the same event!!  The First Fleet carried the prisoners who settled Australia.  And if you read your Wikipedia reference more carefully you'll notice states 'Date of landing of First Fleet in Port Jackson in 1788'.

  3. Yes it is and it has nothing to do with the first fleet arrival its the day the first penal settlement was established. I wish the schools taught Australian history and not USA History

  4. ahah Yes. (well i'm pretty sure)

    "Australia Day, celebrated ANNUALLY on 26 January, is the official national day of Australia, commemorating the establishment of the first British settlement on the continent of Australia."

    dan - she could have thought it was like the last saturday in January or something simmilar.

  5. Australia Day is equivalent to your birthday. Does your birthday change from year to year? Lol no.

    Australia Day commemorates the establishment of the first British settlement in Australia and is very significant to us.

  6. yes, yes it is.

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