
Is Australia as multicultural as we think?

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Our multicultural policy has certainly made us a diverse society but are we tolerent to all different cultures, races etc.? All your opinions would be greatly appreciated




  1. Just look at all of the "Aussie way or no way" grafitti. Doesn't really reflect a tolerant society does it? The worst part is that racism is now disguised as patriotism. When did our great flag become such a symbol of intolerance?  

  2. not at all, australia is still racist, but wat ive realised is that white australians are getting better but ive seen that immigrants r more racist to each other, especially asian

    (i go to skool with these chinese dudes and they r usually racist towards indians, lebanese, pakistanis etc i dont know why but asians hate each other more than any other race

  3. I am a Kiwi and go to Oz a couple of times a year. I think, in general, Australians are not a tolerant as New Zealanders. They seem especially intolerant towards Aboriginees and Asians. There are a lot of bigots in NZ too. I really can't be bothered with that sort of behaviour. People are people - not the colour of their skin or where they come from. FYI - I am 3rd generation  Kiwi of Scottish ancestry.

  4. The word tolerant means to "put up with" so if we say we are tolerant then that is fairly patronising. Having said that, different cultures have just created cells for themselves rather than intermingling

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