
Is Australia full redneck?

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I was born and live in Aus..and just wondering if aust is redneck compared to US, Canada, NZ, Europe and the rest of the world etc

i went to Asia(china, japan,korea) last year and saw that the cities were so big and cosmopolitian like you cannot compare it to sydney, the people in asia dress in the lastest fashion and have cool hairstyles, clothes but in Australia people wear wife beater singlets, ugg boots and c**p from BigW and the transport in asia is h**l good like metros and modern buses but where i live u get a S****y tin train thats is bombed with tags and goes 10Km/h!!

im not critising or bitching just wanted to know if Australia was redneck?

(and don't say why dont u live in asia etc)




  1. had a lot of foreign exchange student from oz when i was in school thn as an adult my parents sponsered 2 and from what i learnt canada and australia are not much different at all.we even spell words like colour, neighbour, and bachelour, the RIGHT way.

  2. yes and proud of it

  3. Huh? No way I'm an Aussie and I'm not a redneck :) We just arnt over populated like some cities, and as for fashion some people wear the latest trends and others just like to be comfortable- just like everywhere

  4. Well I don’t think that you are describing what you have seen correctly. Redneck certainly doesn’t mean what you think it does.

    Australia is different from Asia and other parts of the world, as are those countries to others. Maybe the places you are seeing in Sydney are not a good representation. Some people just don’t care how they look or how they are perceived. Strangely!

    Also, some younger kids think it’s really cool to dress like they just woke up. The track suit pants and the ugg boots. (UGLY)

    Anyways, when I was overseas I saw things that I thought were different and maybe not what I would like to live amongst, however they didn’t make me like the place less. Instead it made me see the culture and what that country had to offer. So in response to your question, No I don’t think Australia is Redneck! I think it might be different and at times backwards but it is also charming!

  5. I can see what your issue is and i live in deep country Victoria and sometimes wonder.. yet I don't think that we are that bad. Its just the people that you meet or see that may remind you of rednecks. Seriously from where I come from people from the city think that we are rednecks cause the only clothing store we have it Target Country, but the fact is that we have a little bit more culture other than that Italian designer pair of shoes that we see a lot of city folk wear. Hey we make up the image of the stereotypical Aussie:

    RM Williams boots, belts , jeans and shirts with our most priced possession our Akubras. (Australian made).

  6. Well Melbourne definitely isn't... I suppose though it also might have to do with the suburb in which you live and stuff like that, I have maybe seen two people in Melbourne who wear wife beater singlets who haven't been doing exercise or something like that. Sydney probably seems more like that because it is a beachy city.

  7. What's a wife-beater singlet look like?

    I think your definition of "redneck" just means plain "daggy" rather than the serious "xenophobic" or even "in-bred".

    Japan, for many decades, has been famous for crazy fashions like you might have seen in punk rocking England (not common in Australia). I found that in Sth Korea, and perhaps now China, people think that wearing Euro-designer clothes makes them classy. This is misguided:

    (1) Fashion can be purchased, but style cannot. There's nothing unique about wearing designs that 1000 other people in the same city are wearing.

    (2) A famous designer's label on the clothes doesn't mean each item was carefully and exquisitely sewn ... more likely in a Chinese / Bangladeshi / Vietnamese sweat shop.

    (3) A lot of the designers would be horrified that their Euro-culture was being snapped up by so many non-Europeans, but they'll take the money anyway.

    Most Aussies realise all of the above, and don't fall for it!

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