
Is Australia looking more like China now?

by Guest59618  |  earlier

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Is Australia looking more like China now?




  1. Do you mean geographically? Or the way their system is similar to ours?

    Well if you mean geographically that could be because China is developing at an alarming rate, they have the resources to look like a developed country.  Take Macau for instance, it's Casinos/views are just as good as ours, if not even better.  And all cities look the same too me high rise, busy, packed with people!  But their standard of living is still no good compared to ours.

    As for their system political/religious/fashion etc.  I would say no.

  2. In the Perth CBD it is quite true.

  3. I donot know why you link two countries?is it politically,socially,economically,geogra... or what ever in all aspects both are different.China is a huge country but you can see many many people in china beggars,poors,uneducated,etc.Country has developed economically a lot but just government is rich not the people,seems funny communist rule.Australia is far far ahead above china.Frankly,when china is no where in comparision to australia except on exporting.Neither in life style,neither in freedom ,neither in development.

  4. I don't know why you say that. They are completely different.

  5. We look nothing like China.  Why ask this Question?

  6. Australia is what it has been for a very long time: a great place to live with room and a good life for everyone, regardless of where they come from. It's a great shame that there are a few bigoted people around that would have us return to the bad old days of the White Australia policy. Somehow they can't or won't see that Australia is a richer and better place because of our immigrants.

  7. jesus christ no way.

  8. No, it looks like Australia.

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