
Is Avatar an anime or cartoon ?

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Is Avatar a Japanese anime or American cartoon ?





  1. american cartoon isnt that obvious?

  2. its an anime but its american

    basically americans tryed to copy anime and created avatar

  3. Well, you even clearly specified what you want to know, Japanese anime or American cartoon.  Avatar is american-made so it is not Japanese and therefore it is American, so it is American cartoon.  Also, it is not an anime for those saying it is American anime.  Anime is a term used for 'Japanese cartoon'.  If it is not made in Japan, then it is not anime, as I believe.

    Avatar is a cartoon, definitely.

    Anime lovers have the ability to differentiate between anime and non-anime (called an anime instinct, lol maybe).

    That's all.  Ciao!

  4. It was made from America but it may look like it's an anime, but it's not. It is actually an American cartoon. You can go here, and find out more about it:

  5. it's a cartoon but it is really cool

  6. Avatar is an american cartoon... I is not an anime because of the reason it was made In the USA. The show does have Japanese influences such as drawing style and fighting and story plots but it cannot be considered anime. :)  

  7. It's just a cartoon

  8. It's an American cartoon. I heard it was animated in Korea, though.

  9. It's a cartoon that's supposed to have an anime feel.

    It's not an anime.

  10. Hmm...if you're going to make "Made in Japan" the sole criteria of what is anime, you'd better take a look at all the 'anime' being made in Korea!

    I'll go against the tide here, then, and pose this question: if you did NOT know it was an American show, would you know it just from watching it?  

    Can we say it is an American-made anime?

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