
Is BBs Darnells walk a medical condition or a hip-hop thing ?

by  |  earlier

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Afro - His back looks like it curves in at the bottom I noticed, I cant remeber what the conditions called, but its common amongst soldiers.




  1. A medical condition.

  2. I think it's a medical condition now that has been caused by bad posture as a result of a hip-hop thing !!!  He's like a gorilla!

  3. I think it's something to do with his big massive ****. He's got a big bulbous butt like a baboon.

  4. He walks like a monkey.

  5. I'm not sure but I think it's more of a 'prat' thing.

    Being Albino or disabled doesn't exempt him from being an idiot. 'poor me ..poor me'.. get over it!!! he's probably going to earn a fortune when he leaves while the rest of us will have to carry on actually earning a living.

  6. What's strange about his walk?

    All gorillas walk like that.

  7. Not sure, I think its just the way that he walks

  8. Hey man , he`s an American dude, and if he wants to walk like a monkey with haemorrhoid's, then let him. Its his gob that gets me going, he keeps hitting the pity buttons. What a wuss, and analysing everything anyone says to him. Darnell just enjoy your stay, and see Sarah for what she is, a tease, and you are desperate for a girlfriend, but try not to show it so much, its so demeaning.

  9. your question me laugh out loud

    i think its definitely a hip hop thing!

  10. He's a 'proper' gangster, it's a ganster thing.

  11. Well his Granny Phil reckons he's just a 'Plastic Gangster' lol

  12. I don't think he can stand up straight because his booty is so high up (bootylicious) - have you seen it - wow

  13. Hes to tall, probably been in small places.

    Loool, he walks like a animal lmao.

    but i find it cute, and i think im in love with him.. :O

    Like husband and wife love

    Edit - I think the condition is big  s**y bum

  14. Just the way he walks l think.

  15. It looks to me as if he has a slight curvature of the spine.  

    So medical...I think.

    But you were taking the p**s really...weren't

  16. a hip hop thing.. and notice when hes exited he does some bouncy thing lol

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