
Is BELIEF rational (mind) and FAITH emotional (heart) ?

by Guest56918  |  earlier

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Is it true that BELIEF is based on Scientific EVIDENCE and FAITH is based on Religious DOGMA that is completely IMMUNE to rationality ?




  1. No, it isn't true.

    Basically they both have relatively the same meaning. They're just used slightly differently.

    In the religious aspect the words are more tightly controlled. Having a belief in God relates to if we accept that God exists. Having faith in God relates to God's actions and power.

    Check out the source below for a better description. Note the reference to 'faith' and 'belief' in the informal reference.

  2. No, i think that belief can be a sinonim of faith. You believe in a religion, you believe in god (if you do...) even if you don't have any evidence. Therefore they are both emotional. Something rational is not described with the word believe, but with the word is: "Electro Magnetism is a poweful force".

  3. Most science is based on theory. Faith is based on the reading and teaching , of let`s say the Bible and then coming to your own conclusion as to whether or not it is something you believe

  4. I think both are irrational unless supported by reality.Science is still evolving and has not ended its research.

  5. Faith based on any religious anything is redundant because faith cannot be based faith is a trust something that you cannot know but are sure in your heart about. So yes faith is immune to rationality. It wont due to teach you belief dont go one worrying about such things.

  6. belief and faith cannot be separated

    they belong to a category

    they stand between mind or rationality and feelings or emotions on the other side

  7. Belief is a concept with evidence.

    Faith is a concept without evidence.

    Humans think with their brains, i.e. mind. Emotion doesn't stem from the heart, the heart is a cardio-vascular muscle used to pump blood around the human body.

    Religion is not immune to rationality, because religion expresses itself through the actions of another human being, and humans can be judged whether their actions are rational or not.

    For example, is the killing of someone whose lifestyle is different than that expressed in the Bible, rational or not?

  8. Nothing is immune to rationality, faith in something that is rational impossible is not reasonable. One could believe something because it seems rationally correct. One could have faith in someone or something trustworthy, that is to expect something to come true. (to have faith in something irrational is not healthy)

  9. Belief is based on knowledge.  

    Faith is based on hope.

    Often these concepts and behaviors are intertwined and true purity of definition is not completely possible.

    Humans have faith, which creates an awareness, a belief.  

    It is not possible to have faith without belief, although it is possible to have belief without faith.

    [EDIT]       I can believe that the gas in my car will get me to my destination.  I don't have to have faith in the gas, only believe it will happen because it has happened over and over and over again.  I believe gasoline is the fuel my car runs on.

    I can have faith that the sun will rise in the morning, which requires a belief that it will do so based on hundreds  of previous mornings during my life.  I can have faith that the sun will dry the flood water, I can have faith that the sun will cause the crops to ripen for harvest, I can have faith that I will see the sun every morning for the rest of my life.  It is automatic that I will believe what I have faith in.

    So which one is irrational?  Which one is based on dogma?  The mind has decided to go beyond belief when the mind begins to develop faith.  The mind is the judge, the ruler, the mother ship of the body.  Some call it the soul, others call it the heart, but I believe it is the mind and all that is encompassed in emotions, thoughts, feelings, and perspectives.

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