
Is BIGFOOT real???anyone have proof???

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ok anyone have a story about bigfoot..




  1. Yes, I think they very likely do exist.  My brother and I are both scientists who have been studying this as a hobby for over 20 years.  We even had what we believe was an encounter very near the Patterson/Gimlin film site(stabilized below).  It was the most frightening experience of both our lives.

    Earlier in the day, we found an enormous dropping in the middle of the road.  It looked like a human t**d but was far larger than is possible for a human and it had plant material including grass in it.  It could have been a bear but it didn't look like any of the other bear droppings which are all over the place.  Later we stopped by the side of the road and I heard something rush to cover.  I rushed to the edge of the road and there was nothing and seemingly nowhere to hide.  We did smell something that smelled like body odor.  I was really bugged by that and wanted to make camp up the hill to be away from whatever it was that rushed to cover.  A couple of hours later we made camp and I finally fell asleep after about an hour.  

    A mouse woke me up in the middle of the night when he bit my finger very hard.  I jumped up screaming and told my brother to get the light and he shined it on the little mouse.  I was enraged and dived on the mouse through the thick brush but he got away.  We kept our shoes on because I was still upset by the noise when I went to sleep.  All the fear from the smell and strange noise was forgotten.  As we tried to go back to sleep, a few minutes passed by.  I didn't realize but my brother was listening to something walking down the hill to our camp.  He whispered sternly to me "Bob, Knock it off" I could tell from his tone that he wanted me to be quiet.  I could clearly hear something sneaking up on us.  The dirt and rocks were crushing under its weight as it slowly walked up on our position.  It sounded like it was as heavy as a car and was coming right at us.  We dived into the car and sped away in terror.  I don't expect that story to be very convincing to someone who wasn't there.

    The subject of the Patterson film is most likely an authentic sasquatch.  While studying the walk of the subject, I stabilized the video and came to the conclusion that it was very unlikely to be a person in a suit.  There were some very credible sightings before that in the area and there were casts and film made of the footprints.  It was examined by expert trackers.  The cast of the tracks matches the relatively clear frame of the bottom of her foot and that makes a good ruler to measure her by.  There is a high likelihood, based on using her foot as a ruler and other evidence, that she is somewhat over 6' tall without correcting her posture.  

    I included a link to the stabilized version and a comparison with a very large man (Charles Barkley) to give a more realistic impression of her actual size.  That would have to be one incredible suit as I don't see how it could be just a man with a mask.  It is just easier for me to believe it is real.  

    Many believe that a hoaxer came forward and that disproves this.  That is simply not true.  There were hoaxers but never a credible account or anything about the film that points to a hoax.  It is still just opinion as there is no irrefutable scientific evidence.

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