
Is Bad breath an excuse to dump someone?

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My girlfriend is threatening to dump me if I don't change my eating habits.

I eat one raw onion everyday for lunch with a cup of coffee. It's just a power meal for me... I don't feel right if I don't eat at least one raw onion a day. It clears the sinuses and wakes me up. It also helps clear out my eyes. Its excellent detox.

Isn't she being unreasonable? I've tried gum and mints, but she insists that I stop eating onions. I tried getting her to eat raw onions too but she refuses. So why should I stop?

What should I do?




  1. find someone that doesn't care if your breath stinks

  2. Hmm, halitosis is a serious thing.

  3. You need a toothbrush, mouthwash, something with a different/strong taste like a chocolate and you need to  eat your onions in a salad. That last part is just so your girlfriend doesn't think you are a total weirdo.

  4. if your shallow, or don't have the guts to tell the truth... yes.

    edit... k, I just read the rest of your question and your situation sounds like a base for a Seinfeld show... weird and quirky!

  5. people brake up with people all the time for smoking.

    while an onion is a healthier habit....reasons are the same.

  6. In my opinion it is incredibly difficult to consummate a relationship when one party is vomitting from close proximity to a landfill site.  Try brushing your teeth or perhaps seeing a dentist.  Those with halitosis rarely realize how sickening their breath smells despite people passing out, as they walk by.

  7. try parsley, it can help neutralise garlic breath so might work for onions too

    it does sound a bit shallow to dump someone for this reason, but i guess i can understand it

  8. Have u tried fried eggs, orange juice and coffe???... is enough energy for a human man....

  9. Only you can decide that.

    Something tells me though, it's not just the onions that are the issue.  There's probably some anger about other things, too.

  10. Yes, it is an excuse when a person has someone like you as a partner.  That's disgusting.  I would dump you before I met you.

  11. In your case ; onions or GF .your choice seems like a fairly simple choice. find another power meal, one that doesn't offend three of her five senses. otherwise;

    yeah valid reason!

    Its not a medical condition, or something you can't control. like one answer said try onions w/ your salad.

  12. Onion breath due to an overindugence in onion is probably as good an excuse as any. Unless, you want to keep a ten foot pole between you. Do you have a ten foot pole?

    C. :)

  13. If I don't know whether to give her toilet paper or a breathe mint.. yes. SHe could start a brush fire in my place and I'm not carrying around 10 pound tic-tacs or anything.

  14. I don't think it's normal to eat raw onions for lunch...

  15. I'm pretty sure there are treatments for halitosis out there. Either way, this is quite petty.

  16. make sure u bang her hard once more before she dumps you. eat two onions before doing it too so she never forgets you.

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