
Is Bags Borrow Or Steal a good system??

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I really want to know!!!!!




  1. Are you asking if it's a good business model, or are you asking if they're reputable?  I don't understand your question.  

    Re their business model:  they're extremely successful and were even featured in the promos for the s*x and the City movie.  I think it's a great concept.

    From personal experience, they're good to deal with, but the only thing is, their jewelry is enlarged in the photos, so when you get it, you might find out it's 1/2 the size you thought it was.  This was the case with the earrings we rented for my daughter's wedding.  I can't really say it's their fault, they probably had the measurements on the site and we just didn't notice them.  So I would just say, check the details first.

  2. Try Beg,Borrow ,or Steal.

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