
Is Barack Hussein Obama the Antichrist?

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When he speaks of "change" does he really mean Apocalyptic changes?




  1. No. Just an idiot.

  2. No.

  3. anti Christ...  well, I just saw on the history chanel this weekend that the anitchrist is supposed to be the not only the person who embodies everything that is the opposite of Christ, but also the one human who is under the influence of the devil more than any other human being ever has been. If we can agree that the history chanel did a good job of defining AntiChrist for us, then no. Obama is not the antiChrist. History has shown more evil men for sure.

    But, the antiChrist is supposed to be a powerful speaker who can win over the many...

    Now, whether or not he represents the US citizens the best, I Say hands down, NO

  4. no I dont think he is  but hes not the Christian he claims to be either. you can tell by what he believes. Hes really a sad little man.

  5. No, he's not that special...

  6. That's what I think too, I just haven't said it yet.

    ~The anti-Christ will be someone extremely powerful, who will be respected and even worshiped by many many people. The world is in a perfect position, with a majority of whites conditioned to love and even worship the black man, and feeling obligated to "repay" blacks. This sole fact explains why Obama is such a popular choice to begin with. If Obama makes these radical "changes", many people might consider him a "saviour" -- much like the FALSE saviour that will arrive before the apocalypse.

    ~2012 is the best candidate for the coming apocalypse; the mayan calendar ends, and it would coincide with Biblical prophecy as well. 2012 would also be the 4th year of Obama's rule as president -- will the result of the NEXT election throw the world into chaos? Quite possibly, especially if Obama is as worshiped as he is right now.

    ~Obama is a terrible person. Fact. He has many people fooled by his friendly, intelligent facade, while hiding his more-than-shady past. The fact that 9/10 people will read this and say, "yeah right," just proves how few realize this.

    ~Obama is a socialist -- and probably in private, he is a communist. Biblical prophecy of armageddon references the symbol of a "red dragon". In past ages, this would be puzzling; but today it's clear -- red is the colour of all communist symbolism, so much to the point that the entire world links the two consciously or subconsciously. A dragon is simply a powerful creature. The one in Revelations has many heads -- so this "red dragon" would perfectly represent the communist ideal of a synchronous worldwide network.

    ~Obama is racist. He has made anti-white comments, attends an anti-white church, and has a very anti-white wife. Having this man for a president (not getting too racist here) may very well start the Race War that's been talked about since the LA riots. A large-scale war between races will be a very complex one that will not be ended by militaries or police but the people -- and there will be many people from different countries leaving to help fight the war. Talk about apocalyptic.

    There are tons of other links but I've got to go. ;)

  7. Well -- Some people think a change is as good as a rest.

  8. Been listening to too much Limbaugh?  Or Savage?  or O'Reilley?  Try thinking for yourself rather than spewing hatred from others.  This is a lame attempt to slander Senator Obama since you cannot attack Senator Obama's stands on the issues, you attack his name.  Pretty pathetic.

    Try addressing the issues.  If you dislike a candidate state what issues you have a problem with and an intelligent argument as toi WHy you dislike their stand on any issues.

    For instance, I dislike McCain because he is promising another term of the exact same government as we had with Bush.  I do not want a government that lies to the voters to get what they want at the cost of the citizens both monitarily and the cost in lives and injuries of our soldiers.

    I dislike his stance on tourture.  He was a prisoner of war and was tourtured himself.  He knbows any person will say anything they think a tourturer wants them to say as evidenced by his remarks against the USA while a prisoner of war.  History shows that information gathered through tourture is traditionally unreliable.  To state differently would mean that McCain hates the policies of the USA!

  9. it's ridiculous to think that people like you would actually use a person's name against him in terms of voting for a President!!!!

    there has to be better reasons to not vote for a candidate huh???  

    maybe like not voting for someone who by his own admission knows nothing about the economy and wants to stay in Iraq for a 100 years..... guess who???? I'll give you a hint..... he's really old!!!!

  10. What is the change...he never says...unless he wants to be the KING!

  11. Troll..  This guy is completely fake.

  12. NO ! the real antichrist will not need a teleprompter and uh,uh ah,ah will not be in his vocabulary ,nor flip flopping be part of his agenda.........

  13. 7 years of bush and you ask that question! WTF

  14. He speaks out both sides of his mouth...

  15. YOUR SO IGNORANT... WE HAVE ENOUGH *** HOLE DON'T NEED TO ADD ANOTHER ONE TO THE PILE... CAN PEOPLE THINK FOR THEMSELVES...It amazes me how people are quick to call this man and idiot or stupid,or  anything.. He graduate from one of the most protege colleges in American and you are judging him .. People judge what they do not know..I know most Americans to like change they want people to still be inferior and when i say people you know who you.. Get over it yes he is black and he won the Dem seat fair let man show what he can do without all these d**n *** people trying find something wrong with him.... Nobody gave 2 s***s about bush and his family,Clinton and his but everyone wants to find something wrong with Obama and his this is not 1950 this 2008 history has been made regardless.... GET OVER IT....PLEASE.....GET A LIFE AND STOP TRYING TO BRING SOME ELSE DOWN TO TRY TO JUSTIFY WHY YOU ARE AN ***

  16. When people like you are afraid, people like me know we are on the right track.

  17. No, Barach Hussein Obama is a decent, intelligent, caring person who is doing what Jesus would do.

  18. I do not think he is the Antichrist, but I do think he is Anti-American.

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