
Is Barack Obama Qualified to become president of the United States?, WHY???

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Is Barack Obama Qualified to become president of the United States?, WHY???




  1. Like answerer one says, that's all you need to do.  But I guess you're implying that he lacks the experience.  People said the same thing about the current President.

  2. Well he didn't get shot down and sit in a prisoner of war camp for many years.  And we all know that is the only relevant experience for the presidency, so no.

  3. I believe he is the most qualified candidate I have seen in my lifetime (and I remember back to Eisenhower) for the following reasons:  He has a better appreciation of the constitutional role of the president than almost anyone.  He is one of the smartest candidates to run for the office.  He represents a movement for the people to take control of the government, instead of the special interests.  and he is perhaps the most inspirational leader who has run for president, as least since Kennedy.

  4. Yes, he is qualified. Senator Obama is qualified to be president because he is aware of today problem and he is in tune with today ever changing technology. He know the problem with all walk of life as far as racism in the urban community, he know the problem the middle class is having and he also the the problem of the rich, I feel that he can address all issue on all level. He even know about the foreign problem with the United State.

  5. only when he stops his quest to become the wizard of uh's.

    this empty suit makes bush43 look like a Rhodes Scholar

  6. Legally, yes.

    He is thirty-five, a natural born citizen, and has lived in this country for fourteen years.  That's all the Constitution requires.

  7. I have yet to discover ANY evidence that he is.So NO!

  8. Why? why? because he has been to the Bilderberg group, and been blessed by the Elite, he is now the golden boy, once you are blessed nothing can stop you.

  9. Besides Age and Citizenship requirements  by the US Constitution, Article II, Section 1; Senator Obama possess the following attributes:

    Harvard Graduate; Harvard Law Review; US Constitutional Scholar and Professor; Community Activist for the poor, and social disenfranchised; State Senator for Illinois; US Senator; Lugar/Obama Nuclear Proliferation Bill; Transparency Act; Well managed Primary and General Election, providing excellent reviews and reception from various demographics across the country.

  10. o yea  look around look no jobs gas 4.00$ gal  

    poor suffering

    republicans  have screwed this country up big time

    o by the way how can u fight a war with rules

      thats how stupid the republicans  are

    mccain what a joke (((((poor little rich boy))))))   wish i had him in bush with me he would have came home in black body bag  ((((like my friends did ))))

    and bush  little rich boy too  he wouldnt go to nam what a joke

    the poor go to fight why because them are real men  (((( not the rich))))  bunch little sissy boys

    o by the way

    ((((((((( yes))))))))

    and if you dont like my answer  go to iraq become a man or woman a real one

  11. yes

    because whoever gets elected, is a puppet of the real powers that be

    doesnt take much to be a puppet

    you just take orders, and lie to the masses

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