
Is Barack Obama guilty of inducing mass paranoia in the USA ?

by Guest55911  |  earlier

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Not since the last outbreak of mass paranoia, the death of Princess Diana, has such irrational behaviour been so profound.

How does this come about ?




  1. you just dont want a black president!! Racist!!!

  2. What paranoia?  What are you talking about?  Elaborate.

  3. Paranoia? I don't think so! Millions of people see Obama as a fresh new element into corrupt American politicis.

    And if you think the outpouring of grief and love for Princess Diana was 'paranoia', you've got it all wrong!

    American politics 'advertises' its 'products' just like any other commercial entity: they create fear [or paranoia] in people's minds: you'll offend people with bad breath if you don't use our mouthwash; you won't look like a real man if you don't drive our car; you'll be a victim if you don't vote for our candidate. Obama isn't doing anything worse (or better) than any other contemporary American candidate. As he creates awareness about himself, he also creates doubt about his opponent. It's politicking the "American way" - as disgusting as it is (and as effective as it becomes).   -RKO-  08/30/08

  4. Oh come on Dave... the US is the most paranoid nation in the world. It's got the biggest military budget in the world and the only wars it's actually been involved in since World War Two have been ones they've either started or decided to become involved in. The country hasn't been attacked by a military force since 1941. It does not need a vast military. It is effectively unassailable by normal military means.

    Barack Obama couldn't induce mass paranoia if he wanted to. It's already there.

    Frankly, the good people of the US would do well to elect Obama. Because if they elect McCain, it'll be four more years of something indistinguishable from Bush.

    Hey Dave... apparently you don't want a black President. Shall I tell the daft bat that you're not from the US or would you like to? I've seen several of your questions, and I'm happy to tell anyone who accuses you of racism to go away and grow up.

  5. Who used mass paranoia, scare-tactics, terrorism, and war-mongering to induce fear among the populace in these election campaigns?. Surely, Bush used them before. McCain is now using the same tactics.

  6. He is the first black nominee for president. America has its reason for mass paranoia about that.

  7. lol shut up!!

  8. Most liberals use this to their advantage.

  9. i agree its a circus

  10. I wouldn't call it paranoia...I'd call it waking up after the last 8years of lies.

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