
Is Barack Obama our comrade?

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Our flag is red, white, and blue. Isn't it about time that an American leader arises to take the last two colors off the flag once and for all? When will those stripes be truly Red? Is Barack Obama the one that will finally make it happen? Make the dream a reality?




  1. Iam a voter of Obama, but ????????????????????????

    what will be happening, if he won´t be able to lead this country?

  2. Sadly, I think you may be correct. Those stars may too soon be changed to the sickle.

  3. You may be onto something.

  4. Unfortunately for you, you may be greatly disappointed.  Obama is no socialist or communist.  He is just as much in the pocket of free market, corporate America as any of the candidates.

    He just hasn't taken money from them directly.

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