
Is Barack Obama right in bashing Pakistan or is just a political stunt?

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Is Barack Obama right in bashing Pakistan or is just a political stunt?




  1. Neither.  I think that he said that because he has no clue as to the role Pakistan has in the war on terror.

    In other words - he is clueless.

  2. Just a political stunt. His way of taking a stab at Bush and trying to say "I'd go after the REAL terrorists." It's all fake just like his fake accents, his "10,000 people died in Kansas" etc etc.

  3. Great dreams that turn into smkoes and ashes.

    That poof into thin air.

  4. Political stunts are being made by candidates just like Barack Obama in order to get attention and ultimately, the votes.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

  5. Bush has said the same thing, obviously, e.g. that if there was actionable intelligence as to OBL's whereabouts and Pakistan refused to act, we would go after him without Musharaff's cooperation.

    The difference is that Bush hasn't done anything about it, and Obama says he will.

  6. How can bashing an ally that is caught in maelstrom be right?  Pakistan has tried to help us. Threatening to go into Pakistan was irresponsible and naieve.

  7. Since he is running for president, I would say it's a stunt.

  8. It is an election time gimmick. He can be irresponsible since he is not in the Driver's seat. Countries will lose faith in the US if a friend today is treated as a terrorist tomorrow. Musharraf is doing his best to work in tandem with Bush. Have patience to understand his problems with his own people who were motivated all along to fight along with the foreign jehadis in quelling the Soviets from Afghanistan under the puppet regime of Nazibulla

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