
Is Barak Obama a christian or muslim?

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i really would like to know the truth!! the television needs to make it more clear and so does he. this will definatly decide who i vote for, for president!!

thanks. =]




  1. He's Christian. CNN has a pretty good, well-balanced special about him that I recommend if you want to learn more about his background. It's called "Obama Revealed."  

  2. he's a christian :]

    but muslim does not = terrorist

  3. He is a christian. He goes to church every sunday. He was raised christian. The television isn't capable of predicting the ignorance of people so they don't know it is needed to be clarified

  4. He's a christian. The people who are claiming he's a muslim are just trying to make him look bad by branding him as a muslim terrorist. Trust me, Obama's a christian. Peace!

  5. Muslim

  6. No one who asserts that he is a Muslim has any standing to do so.  He says he is a Christian and I have no reason to disbelieve him.  Hatemongers think otherwise.

  7. He is undoubtedly a Christian.  Right-wing conservatives keep saying that he is a Muslim because they are either ignorant or using scare tactics.

    P.S.  - If you were a second-class citizen in your own country as of only 45 years ago (forced to use separate but no where near equal facilities) you might be a little angry like Rev. Wright and many older black people) But if you are ignorant or close-minded you may not be able to wrap your small mind around that concept.  

  8. His father was a Muslim from Kenya. Big deal

    Obama went to a Catholic school for a short while. Big deal.

    Obama went to an interdenominational Indonesian school, until the FOURTH grade.

    He's not a Muslim and he's not a Catholic. Big deal.

    That means he's not a Muslim Al Qaeda terrorist and he's not a Catholic IRA bomber. Good deal !!!

    He's a self-described Christian. Big deal.

    Frankly, I'd vote for a rational, honest Muslim / atheist / Jew / Zoroastran / Jain / Hindu / Buddhist / agnostic over a corrupt Christian any day of the year. But that's not what we're doing here.

    And even more frankly, I would NEVER use YahooAnswers as a source upon which to base my information as to who is what, or who does what, or who knows what, much less who to elect as a president.

  9. Nothings clear about Obama.

  10. I am over and over amazed at the stupidity of this question! What point do you want to make?

    I listened to the complete tapes of Rev. Wright, because I wanted to know why he said what he said. I mostly agree with what he said. Out of context any statement can be construed and used as propaganda.

    Your question is propaganda of the old kind. It shows you are racist and biased. Since when does a name say anything about a persons religion?

  11. Christian

  12. Barack Obama is not and never has been a Muslim.  He is a Christian.

    "Obama Has Never Been A Muslim, And Is a Committed Christian"

    "In the internet age, there are going to be lies that are spread all over the place. I have been victimized by these lies. Fortunately, the American people are, I think, smarter than folks give them credit for."

    — Barack Obama, MSNBC Debate, January 15, 2008

    Since declaring his candidacy for president in February, Obama, a member of a congregation of the United Church of Christ in Chicago, has had to address assertions that he is a Muslim or that he had received training in Islam in Indonesia, where he lived from ages 6 to 10. While his father was an atheist and his mother did not practice religion, Obama's stepfather did occasionally attend services at a mosque there.

  13. You have not been listening. He and Michelle Obama have stated their belief in God over and over again. You may hate what Rev. Wright preaches but the Church he attended for all those years was a Christian Church.

  14. he claims christian.

    He has Muslim heritage and his curch he belonged to for 20+

    years has ties to muslim terrorist camps.

    This is not to  say he himself is a terrorist, but if he could go to a church that considers itself Christian but preeches hate and has ties to terrorists, I sure as h**l dont believe him.

  15. neither...his religion is liberalism and his sacraments are ABORTION, INFANTICIDE, RACISM, WEAKNESS, REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, LYING, FEAR MONGERING and HATING AMERICA!

  16. Obama is a Christian.  He had been attending a Christian Church for the past 20 years.

  17. If being a christian is being a follower of JESUS CHRIST, then is is not.  He is no more a Christian than was Adolph Hitler or Karl Marx.  He is a terrorist.

  18. Muslim in disguise

  19. If he hates, he is neither...Both Christians and Muslims do not hate.

    Terrorists are as Muslim as Reverend Lovejoy is Christian.

  20. If he is Christian,  he is a JEREMIAH WRIGHT form of christian  >>>WHICH MEANS HE IS A HERETIC

  21. Obama  is Christian.

  22. Does it matter, really?

    There are MILLIONS of Muslims in the world.  A very small percentage of those are extremists.  What about the Christians that like to bomb clinics?  Attack or even murder doctors who perform abortions?  Don't you know that most of the people incarcerated in this country were Christian before they got there?  It doesn't matter what God (or Goddess) you pray to.

  23. The Muslim tactic is kind of old news for some of us who are trying to focus on precise terms for policies on both candidates.  

  24. Muslim.

    No Christian goes to a church where the Reverend talks about how to hate whites/Americans/America/etc. . .for 30 years, and then turns around and says, 'Well, uh, he never preached that way when we were there...' Bullcrap, and then he lies about it. He went to that church for OVER 30 years, I find it very hard to believe that that is the first time the Reverend ever 'preached' that way.

    McCain/Palin '08!


  25. Obama is not Christian despite what he says his fruit shows him to be a liar a wolf in sheep's clothing. Any church that would cheer and applaud a so called preacher  blaspheming the name of the Lord is not a church that has the Holy Spirit. Any man that would sit in a church like this is not Christian. The bible says "ye shall know them by their fruits" Didn't Obama also say that he is christian but there are many paths to God. If Obama was Christian and understood the teachings of Jesus who called anyone who tried to enter into fold any other way a thief and a robber.

  26. Obama is a Christian, and everyone who says he's a Muslim is an idiot, a liar, or simply misinformed.  

  27. Firstly, what the h**l does religion have to do with politics?

    If you are voting for someone solely based on their religion then you clearly don't understand politics, and are too f*cking retarded to vote.

    Secondly, just because someone is Muslim, does not mean they are a terrorist, or have any affiliation with terrorism.

    To answer your question: He is Christian. If you took the time to do some research you would easily find this information, as well as other information such as what the candidate stands for. Please go educate yourself, and vote for the right reasons.


    Why must you continue this pathetic attempt to make something out of nothing...

    Oh wait, that's why Palin was chosen.

  29. Christian.

    Obama: "Let's make clear what the facts are: I am a Christian. I have been sworn in with a Bible. I pledge allegiance to the American flag and lead the pledge of allegiance sometimes in the United States Senate when I'm presiding."

  30. Yes...that right.,...never listen to the media.  I mean what do they know?  Journalism??? It's practically a crime! I mean heck!  Why even read books?  They're just words on a page!!!  A SHAM I TELL YOU A SHAM!    (but only when it's about McCain...when its dirt about Obama...believe it..believe it all!  If the Huffington Post says Obama is Muslim...then he's Muslim....but they say that Obama is christian...THEY ARE LYING!!!!!! LYING I TELL YOU!!!!)

    Of course I am poking fun at some of the ridiculous comments on here.   Consider can one EVER prove someone's religion?  Isn't it just based on what someone says they believe?  Either you believe when someone says they are Christian when they say they are...or you believe that he is lying.  But if you believe he is lying...then you must judge John Mccain by those same standards and realize that he could very well be lying just the same!  If you tell someone you are one will ever truly know what is in your soul...they just have to believe that you are being truthful.  John McCain hasn't always been painted as a religious man (and his actions haven't always proven to be so either) but if he says that he is i in a position to deny this?   I don't sit with him daily in church...I don't watch him pray.  And even if we see Obama and McCain going to a church in front of the cameras...we have NO WAY of knowing if this is religious pandering or not.  This is why religion should play NO PART in politics.  This is what our founding fathers intended.

    But to actually answer your question...he is a christian.  He has always claimed to christian.  he has many many times quoted scripture.  He attended a christian church for years (think what you want about the pastor...McCain has supported wacko pastors as well; some of which even denounced Jesus Christ).  

    Here are some videos to peruse for whatever they are worth...

    the first 3 vids are interniews with the idiot that wrote Obama Nation and show how that tabloid trash novel is riddled with lies, in particular his "muslim" background:

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