
Is Barbara Bush the youngest person at the Republican convention not speaking?

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All of the delegates must think McCain is a young whippersnapper.




  1. Now you are bashing old people? Look in the mirror, you don't look like any spring chicken yourself there sweetie.

  2. too bad they dont have Darral Hannah to speak about how she wont go in a building named after a soft drink and pushes her leftist website. LOL U moron

  3. You mean Ws daughter?  Maybe so.

  4. Ha. The Crypt Keeper should have been master of ceremonies.

  5. we haven't heard from the Palin fetus yet either

  6. LOL!  She -is- younger than McCain, isn't she?  In 1988 she looked like GHW Bush's mom, but this year she looks a lot better than him.

    But as for letting her speak at the convention, do you remember the big kerfuffle she caused in 1992?  She and Pat Buchanan made speeches back to back on the subject of 'family values' and it was clear they both had completely different definitions of that term.  It really caused a fuss.  So I doubt they'll let her open her mouth this time.

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